9: Down Boy

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I enter the dark room where Karima and Ida sniffle in each other's arms on the bed.

"Where did you go?" Casja asks.

I cannot say anything, not this early in the game. Ake hasn't planned this to the full extent yet, this plan could still turn to shreds.

"Nowhere." I smile. "How are you guys doing?"

Karima sits up, she looks fine but Ida cannot handle the truth.

"I knew this was going to happen, Ake set us up for this anyway when he took us the first time." she stands looking out the window. I can see rain clouds cover the sky like a thick blanket in the distance, it's only a matter of time before it makes it's way here.

"I got to go." I say, I know Oscar is waiting for me and I don't want to get caught in the rain.

"Again? Wait Freja." I stand at the door.


"Where did you get that shirt?"

I look down, I am wearing the black shirt Oscar trimmed to fit my waist, i remember I hid the other clothes with my ballerina behind the gnomes.

"I...just..found it." I say swallowing hard.

She opens her mouth to speak again but I cannot wait any longer.

"Got to go bye, see you later!"

I have to see Oscar, I've waited too long through the day and I promised I would meet up.

The moment I lay my eyes on him it's such a relief.

We share no words, he pulls me into a kiss holding my waist and the back of my neck.

"Hey." he whispers. I can't help but shutter from his touch.


"It's been so long since I last saw you." He says through his kisses.

I chuckle, "Oscar it hasn't been 24 hours."

"Still to long." he reaches into a closet pulling out a pair of shoes among his many. "You might as well keep yours on, we are heading out.

"Oh really?" I was kind of hoping we could just snuggle today, I'm not entirely in the mood to go out. "Where to?"

"To the studio, I have a couple friends I want you to meet."

He takes me to the train to travel to the other side of Stockholm. I look outside and think of Ake and Casja, if I am not careful very soon this could all be ripped to dust.

"This is it." he takes my hand and walks me off onto a stop facing the sea. A cool breeze pushes past us leading inland from the water but it calms as soon as we move in front of the building protecting us.

I expected us to go to the dance studio where we were yesterday but today he leads me to another studio.

"Artist House of Stockholm? Isn't this a record label?"

"Yea, it is."

Looking at the front circular windows I would have never guessed it was a studio, nonetheless I follow him inside just as the rain begins to pour.

"Oscar! Felix! Omar!" he shouts setting down his set of keys on a small end table and removing his outer clothes, I do the same and step inside.

"Come on, they're probably downstairs."

"OG my bro! Who is this you bring?"

"This is Freja, she's cool." Oscar wraps his arm around my shoulder guiding me into a kitchen area.

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