17: Scarred

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I wake up to the sight of the stubble on the ceiling, It's odd to be in such a place, I have never been in a hospital before or seen all the equipment that I am hooked up to. Tubes stick out of my arms and circle stickers are placed on my chest with more tubes sticking out.

On either side of me are curtains separate me from other beds in the room and directly beside me I see OG sleeping in a chair waiting for me to wake up. I try to reach out to skim his leg but my fingertips don't quite reach without the tubes falling out.

"OG... OG!" I turn my head to look at him but he approaches me faster than I thought, placing a light kiss on my forehead.

"You did it." he whispers in my ear.

"What do you mean? How did all the police show up?"

"I called them, I knew there would be some sort of outbreak."

"You trusted me?"

"Of course I did!"

OG leans into kiss me but we are interrupted by a nurse entering the curtains to speak to me.

"How are you feeling Freja?" She smiles wearing bright pink lipstick and curled hair that looks straight out of a magazine. I don't answer her, truthfully I wanted her to wait outside until OG and I could finish our kiss.

She moves towards me pulling a large white bandage off my chest I didn't even realize was there until she touched it.

"You should be fine now, your chest only needed a couple stitches." She removes the entire bandage exposing my chest. She studies my chest to make sure my skin is healing but OG's expression brings a new emotion, he sits beside me pushing his lips into a hard line nearly in tears.

"What's wrong?" I ask. "It says Casja I know." I roll my eyes trying not to think of the fact that I killed her.

OG shakes his head at me. "Freja that's not what he wrote."

"What do you mean?"

He stands holding his phone over my exposed body taking a picture to show me. On my chest I count 37 stitches along my skin in the shape of A.K.E."

My vision blurs with tears at the sight of this.

"Ake carved his name into my skin!" OG sees me cry and releases a tear himself, he cannot stand to stare at me anymore so he looks to the nurse.

"Will this scar?" the edges of his lips twitch, we are both afraid for the answer.

"I'm afraid so, it will leave some sort of mark it won't fade completely."

The nurse collect her paperwork from me and pulls out the tubes within my arms and chest.

"You need someone to sign the dismissal papers and then you are free to leave the hospital, in two weeks you can get your stitches removed." She tries to smile making me feel better.

"I'll sign the papers." OG says, he scribbles a couple signatures and helps me to my feet. But the searing pain pulses through my body bringing me back to sitting on the bed.

"Nurse I don't think I can leave." I breathe trying not to focus on the mental and physical pain.

I can see she feels sympathy for me, she checks outside the curtains and closes them tight to make sure we are alone.

"Okay Freja, use this on your chest tonight." She hands me a small blue bottle of cream.

"What is it?" It's a pain killer, I'm not supposed to prescribe this to you but I understand your pain." She smiles and leans in a little closer. "I also want to give this to you as a thank you. I was there, at the shooting I mean. You're brother Bjorn saved me from getting hit with a bullet."

For the Love - The Fooo Conspiracy (OG Molander)Where stories live. Discover now