15: Blood Boil

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White surrounds my vision as I fling the sheets of seven common beds.

Each sheet I pile onto the grass outside and cover the fallen people of Veggo's group. It's the least amount of respect I can show them.

I have to make the walk back as soon as possible, Ake could be planning his attack against Stockholm this very second. As I walk home I cannot help but think what will become of it. 60 soldiers running through the streets shooting children, wives, husbands, grandparents, OG.

As the house comes into sight among the trees I think of it like a portal to hell, it enters and exits, just an effect this place has with the people in it.

I open the front door to see my group drinking and dancing in the meal room. They sing a song about pillaging and stealing like pirates.

I find Alva, Casja, Ida, and Karima sitting near the kitchen sneaking food for our new guests from the other group.

"Freja! Finally you're here!" Ake wraps his arm around my shoulder which stiffens my back. His touch scares

Me more than anything.

"I need you to train these folks for tomorrow!" He raises his beer and everyone cheers.

"Don't you think tomorrow is too soon?"

"No! Tomorrow is perfect, can't leave enough time for someone to plan an attack against me Freja." He releases my shoulder and looks deep into my eyes. Is he referring to me?

"Your system must be fragile if a single girl can corrupt your plans." I tell him.

"It is fragile, but a plan nonetheless and the longer it takes the more opportunities I leave for failure."

"What's wrong with the forest Ake?"

"Nothing, but I want apartment blocks, and parks, and a city! Think of all the people I'll have at my dispense."

I turn away from him, listening is sickening.

"Girls, lets go."


"To prepare these hostages for battle."

Casja gets that I'm trying to get them out of the house but Ida refuses to come help me.

"Oh just come on!" Ida pulls her to her feet and the five of us leave.

I walk in the direction of the Pit hoping they'll follow me without question, and they do for most the way.

"Where are we going?" Ida asks.

I ignore her question and lead them behind a collection of bushes. They get the idea and walk beyond them.

"Please sit." I show them my slumped tree stump and we all sit in a circle across from each other.

All their legs shake, even mine we are all nervous for the way tomorrow's going to happen.

"Ladies, before Ake took over my group joining Bjorn and I to his family, this is where I would come."

Alva turns around so she sits along the edge of the cliff staring out into the sea.

"I brought you here because this place is very close to my heart and I trust you being here." I bring Alva back to the circle and hold the hands of the her and Karima's. "From this day forward I am trusting you girls with my life, and I hope you do the same for me."

Looks waver around the circle as they listen to me.

"Ake has spent the majority of our money on rifles and other guns hidden behind the shelves of the gnomes. We can't afford to change their minds by ourselves, we have to work together if were going to fight animals with guns."

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