13: Move Out

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Casja lays on her bed crying.

"What's wrong?"

She cannot bare to look at me. "I lost the baby." She holds her stomach which is now empty, her baby has already passed through her stomach.

"I'm so sorry!" I pull her into a hug. "But it was Ake's child Casja."

"And mine! No matter what asshole has her father that kid was mine. I should probably tell Ake our child is gone."

"No!" I hold her legs to the bed.

"Not until after he raids the group by the river we need something against him just in case."

Casja nods and thanks me. "You know, you are so good, I'd give my life for you Freja."

I kiss her forehead and leave to fetch her a drink when I run into Karima.

"You have 2 days." She doesn't even blink when she looks at me.

"Two days!? What happened to 2 weeks?"

"I know, Ake wants out really bad, he said he cannot afford to wait that long."

Karima stretches her legs out and winces once she stands in a certain position.

"Did he hurt you?"

"Well, he was my first, of course it hurt." She glares at me.

"I'm sorry." I give her a quick hug and head out the door.

"Where are you going?"

"To get help, we can't do this alone you know."

I leave the house while Ake is is the gnome room telling stories of some sort and run into town.


"OG?" I call into his house.

"Come in." I enter but I don't see him anywhere, just a square spot of sunlight on the floor and stairs leading up to the roof.

I climb up the stairs as fast as I can and run to his embrace.

"I need you." I whisper nearly in tears, "I have been so strong all this time I need a chance to forget. There's so much going on, Ake's plan might be working and I'm not strong enough to fight back. OG I need you to help me forget." I tell him all these things even though I know he doesn't have a single clue what I'm talk about.

He holds my face flattening my crazy hair which got disrupted during my run to his house. Wiping the single tear away from my eye and pulls my face in towards his. This is exactly what I need, he doesn't even question me, or try to calm me down with his words. He pulls my waist in so my body presses against his. The sun is melting hot and it beats down on the back of my neck tiring me.

OG carries me down the stairs an into his room sliding me on the bed.

"You don't even know, I'm so worried for what's going to happen, especially since Ida's loosing her family."

"Shhhhhhh." OG interrupts me kissing my neck and loosening the buttons to my pants so I can relax.

I feel my senses numb and take me away, nothing matters anymore, just OG and I.

His fingers progress below my shirt pulling it over my head. He leaves small kisses along my stomach.

"Turn around." He whispers. I proceed and lay on my stomach and he sits upon my back side and begins massaging my back rubbing a cold lotion around warming at his touch until it soaks into my skin.

His touch is soothing, as always, it nearly numbs me to sleep.

He picks my body up to my feet and I shake my hips out of my pants letting them fall to the floor.

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