Chapter 1

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Hello! Before we jump right into the story here, there's a few things I need to clarify. Mark, Jack, Anti, and Dark in this fic are based off the characters made by the wonderful Maskman626 on Deviant Art- and I have been given the okay from them to post this! As well I'll be putting some of their art up with each chapter as it fits (I have to say if you haven't seen any of their art it is absolutely gorgeous and you should go look it up!). The cover, however, is made by me :).

Also, this is a short story so it won't be terribly long and the first chapter I believe is shorter than the rest. If it seems a little convoluted I apologize, but it will get better!

The last thing I'd like to mention is that Jack and Mark are youtubers in this, but I didn't want to make it a huge focus. I imagine them to be much smaller and things will not be exact to real life.

I hope you enjoy and without further ado...


The wind blew soothingly through Anti's hair, the pale green glow from his one bright eye the only light apart from the moon high above. It was just barely considered chilly out. The sounds of the lake washing up against the bank surrounding it calmed him, and he took in a deep breath. The scent of dry air and stagnant water filled his nose, and he heard the faint chirps of frogs in the distance.

This was one of the few moments where Anti found himself at peace. Like everything had decided to fit together and work in perfect synchronization. The rhythmic beating of his heart didn't bother him now, and yes, he did have a heart. Some may not believe him if he were to claim so, but there was no disputing the fact. It was right there in his chest. Always beating. Even if he wished for all hell that it would stop and never start again, or even to pause for a single moment and give him a second of silence.

That would never happen, and he knew it. The more he thought on it the more frustrated he grew- there was no reason for a heart in a creature like himself. A monster of the night, shrouded in darkness and mystery, deadlier than anything a helpless human could imagine, but with a heart hidden beneath the pale flesh of his chest. It was a stab at his preternatural being, a link between him and humanity. One he hated desperately. One that beat on, mocking him in all its glory.

But now was not the time, and so he cast all thoughts from his mind. Feeling the air leave his lungs, he looked into the sky and closed his eyes. This was where he felt most like himself. Alone, in the dark, surrounded by the night. This was his home, if he were to have one, for he was indeed a free spirit and liked to believe nothing could really contain him at all. Even if Jack tried his best. He didn't know Anti was here, after all.

He took a few steps forward and sat, legs pulled up to his chest, near the edge of the water. He wrapped his arms around his legs and rested his chin on his knees, staring into the deep darkness of the lake before him. The blurry green glow of his silhouette shone back in the reflection, in the midst was a single green eye staring back at him. The darkness of the night filled him and swirled around his insides, twisting him into something of a nightmare, of such he was not entirely far off of.

And then he wasn't alone, pink intermixing with green in the water's surface and a pair of bright pink eyes glowing a foot above him. He knew who it was, and it did nothing to change his position. He was aware of the crunch of footsteps and the being he knew well took its seat beside him. Not a word was uttered, the quietness cherished between the both of them.

Their eyes met in the depths of the water, and an understanding passed over them. Serenity was a thing lost by the two, and it was a rare occurrence for them to share the likeliness. There they sat, unmoving, until dawn turned the edges of the horizon a light orange and they both knew what was to come. Anti let out a sigh and for the first time since his arrival faced his companion of sorts.

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