Chapter 3

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Jack woke up at 12:15 AM to the sound of his name being called. He cracked an eye open slowly, unsure if he had actually heard anything or not. A few minutes passed and he closed his eyes again, then he heard it. His eyes snapped open, his heart racing, and he sat up in his bed. He searched around the room for a sign of anything, what he wasn't sure, maybe Anti hidden in the shadows, though it hadn't sounded like him.

"Anti?" He said into the darkness. There was no response, and he was fairly sure anyways that it wasn't him.

"Sean," the voice said, beckoning him. He looked to the window, where he had discerned it was coming from, and got out of bed. There was nothing outside of the house that he could see, but it was pitch black and he couldn't see much. The calling became more frequent, begging him to step outside. Jack walked out of his room and down the hallway, turning lights on as he went and pausing before the stairs. He laid a hand on the railing and listened, frozen in place. He shivered when he heard the voice again, and continued on down the stairs.

He walked up to the window in his door, reaching over and turning the porch light on before peeking out. He thought he caught a glimpse of yellow eyes from the shadows outside of the light's reach, but if he had they weren't there any more. He swallowed nervously, and took a few steps back. He clenched his hands into fists and took a deep breath, listening to the soothing sound of his name. A gust of air and a flash of green flew past him, Anti forming in front of the door and facing Jack. He stood with his feet spread apart, knees slightly bent, teeth bared.

"Do not leave this house," he said, snarling for good measure, then turned, unlocked the door, and closed it behind him. Jack stared into the wood of the door, stunned and feeling a little dreamy still.

"Sean. Come outside, Sean. Please! Sean, come here." The voice had grown significantly more desperate in its attempts to lure Jack to it. Jack shook his head and stepped even further away from the door. This time the voice was met with another.

"You don't touch him." Anti's voice was muffled by the walls of the house, but the anger in it was still evident.

"You're a liar!" The voice said, almost like a shriek. Jack ran over to the windows overlooking the porch, trying to make out what was going on. The voice calling his name had stopped. He could see Anti on the edge of the porch, in front of the stairs, and from the looks of it, he had his sights on something out there. He watched as Anti screeched and leapt off the porch, all but disappearing into the darkness. He held his breath as he heard the sounds of a fight, but couldn't see the outcome.

Then Anti stumbled backwards into the ring of light caused by the porch light, and his opponent followed him, closing in quickly. Jack gasped when he saw that Anti was fighting a horse, dark in color with piercing yellow eyes and a wild mane. It had an surprisingly sleek coat and huge hooves. As Jack watched it looked directly at him, seemingly into his soul, then reared up and came down onto Anti, who slid to the side and raked his nails down its belly. The horse didn't even flinch, and within seconds what could have been a detrimental wound had healed over.

Anti cursed under his breath and dodged another round of hooves aimed at his head. One hit him and sliced open a long gash into the flesh of his upper arm, gushing blood immediately. Anti cried out in pain and grabbed onto the wound, trying to stop the bleeding while still moving away from the dangerous creature trying to kill him. Jack pressed up against the window, latching onto the blinds and letting out a sound of anguish. Then, as suddenly as Anti had appeared in front of the door, another appeared a few feet away from him, dropping from the sky in a flurry of pink. Jack's draw dropped completely to the floor as he watched Dark fall into step with Anti, fighting on his side for once.

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