Chapter 10

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There was a warm breeze in the air where Dark stood. It blew through his clothes and felt nice against his cold skin. A small cliff edge jutted out in front of him, showing off the view in front of it like a proud mother. Water lapped at the rock that enclosed the cove and Dark could hear the soft pounding from his spot. That was the only noise in the air. There was no moon that night and so he looked just a shadow of an outline against the black sky and stars. If there had been anyone nearby, he would've dropped the sincere look from his face, but he was alone and could find it in him to open up his soul if just a little. He stared straight ahead while his hair shook in the wind. It made the silky pink flower in it flutter too, and he reached up to make sure it was still there.


It took two more days to get everything out of Mark's apartment and into his new room at Jack's house. He ended up selling some things to the blue haired boy from the gaming shop and leaving the rest of it in Jack's garage while he waited for someone to take interest in the ads he had put up. He still needed to set most of his stuff up and make everything the way he wanted it, but he was ecstatic to start anew in Jack's house. The first day he woke up in the house it was almost surreal. Shuffling out of his room and into the bathroom, he heard the light thumps of someone downstairs and for a split second he froze. He immediately relaxed, though, and grew giddy at the idea of always being around Jack.

He ran down the stairs that morning and met Jack in the kitchen, who smiled warmly at him, a far away look in his eyes.

"You're never this energetic in the morning," Jack said, noticing the pink boxers Mark had worn to bed paired with a shirt from his own merch line. Jack shook his head and laughed at him.

"Yeah, but this is so different! It feels weird." He moved closer to Jack and leaned in. "Don't you think so?" Jack looked down to his feet, trying to control the oncoming blush.

"I guess, it's not like we've never spent days in the same house."

"True, but now we have forever. I'm here to stay, baby." Mark smirked and Jack brushed him off.

"I was gonna make some waffles for our first morning together, you wanna help?" Mark's face lit up.

"Of fucking course! Tell me what to do Chef Jack." Jack made a face and smacked him in the arm then told him where the bowls were. Together they put together a plate of waffles and bacon that was only slightly burnt on the edges. They ate their breakfast at the kitchen table sat across from each other and spent most of their time eating instead of talking, but neither of them really minded.

After breakfast Jack went off to record some videos while Mark took a shower. Mark still had to set up all of his equipment in his office, and knew he would end up spending most of the day on it. He showered quickly and threw on some clothes before getting down to work on unboxing all of his stuff. He had been working for almost two hours and was a little over halfway done when Jack snuck up behind him and put his arms over his shoulders. Mark was crouching in front of his now set up desk trying to plug something in, and Jack couldn't pass up the opportunity to get close to him.

Mark relaxed into his touch and turned around to meet his eyes, but wasn't balanced correctly and fell back onto his butt. Jack laughed and stumbled forward with him, catching himself from falling and instead just sitting down in front of Mark. They ended up facing each other anyways, though now both on the floor, legs lightly brushing together.

"What you up to?" Jack asked.

"I was trying to hook up some of the wires in my computer, but its a pain in the ass."

"Oh I know, here let me see if I can help." He scooted forward and peered under the desk at where Mark was trying to arrange everything. "So you want your computer over here, then its gonna connect to the outlet over here. What was the problem?"

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