Eight: Pancake wars

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Helena’s POV

Every time I walked past Frank or Gerard, I blushed. Frank’s rather enthusiastic explanation of the other definition of ‘sleeping’ with someone left me feeling extremely naive. Gosh, who knew there was a dirty version of an innocent act? What else is there that I don’t know about?

“Hey, Helena! It’s about time you woke up!” Bob teased.

I shrugged. “I couldn’t sleep. I think my mind finally shut off around four?”

“Wow. Why so late?”

“I dunno...” I stood by the counter and watched him crack some eggs into a bowl. “What are you making?”

“Pancakes. I know how much you love them and we haven’t eaten yet,” he said.

“Can you show me how to make some?” I asked.

He smiled. “Absolutely! Grab a fork from the drawer and I’ll let you whip these.”

I gladly obeyed. It was pretty cool to watch the yellow yolk turn into a beautiful, liquid-y mix with the milk he added in. “Okay, what next?”

“Um... add some milk and the mix. Stir them together. Give it a little more wrist. Fast, Helena. Harder. Harder! You’ve got to-“

“Oh, thank god!” Frank exclaimed.

We looked at him, confused. “What’s wrong with you?”

“All I heard was Bob telling you to do something harder.”

One eyebrow went up. “So?”

“So? It’s... oh, child. I have so much to teach you! It’s a dirty thing.”

“Oh. I really don’t care to know, to be honest,” I blushed.

Gerard and Mikey walked through the kitchen, the latter leaving to the living room. Gerard walked to the fridge for a drink. He was too tired to notice I was there. That kinda upset me. I don’t know why, but it did. There was something about him that was different than all the others. He was the only one who didn’t fight over me, who didn’t freak out when I did something or didn’t know about something, he was the most patient and over-all caring. Not to mention he made my heart beat wildly every time he walked by and my palms became slightly sweaty.

“Excuse me. I need the milk,” I said. I reached under him and pulled the gallon out. He stared at me, wide-eyed. I smiled, pecked his cheek, and walked back to the counter.

“What’s for breakfast?” he asked, standing next to me. Mission accomplished.

“Pancakes!” I smiled.

He looked in the bowl. “Huh.”


“Looks a little chunky, doesn’t it?” Frank asked.

I looked at Bob, who rolled his eyes. “She hasn’t fully mixed it yet, you two. Leave her alone.”

“Yeah, this is my first meal that I’ve made!” I defended.

Gerard hugged me from the side. As he squeezed I shivered. I’ve never done that before. Am I simply ticklish in that spot?

“You’re on your way to becoming the next Bob. I’m sure it’ll taste just fine,” he assured.

Frank snorted. “I doubt it.”

I slammed my now cast-free hand on the counter. Both Frank and Gerard backed off. I pointed at Frank. “You. Me. Pancake making and eating war. Get your own mix ready and prepare to lose!”

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