Forty-Five: Nicole's Gone!

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Brendon’s POV:

I threw my purchases on the table, staring around for any sign of Nicole. She should’ve long since been back by now. Unless she decided to go for a twenty-mile run, which was very unlikely. I began putting away the stuff, figuring she must be asleep or in the shower. But, when I went to put away the new box of condoms I bought below the sink, I realized something was wrong. She definitely wasn’t here. This wasn’t right.

“Come on, Nicki, answer!” I mumbled into the phone. The same song she used for my ringtone went off in the bedroom. I ran back into it, only to see her phone half-hidden in the blankets. Next to it was her iPod, and the shoes she’d worn this morning were in the closet. Actually, all of her shoes were here. She only kept six pair here and each was accounted for.

“Okay, Nicole, this isn’t funny! If you’re here, come out please!” I called.

No reply. Not even an echo. I ran around the house, my heart beating furiously, searching frantically for my girlfriend. She wasn’t anywhere, not even in the stupid places I looked even though I knew she wouldn’t go or fit into.

“Nicole, baby?!? Where are you?!?”

I opened the front and back doors, shouting her name as loud as I could. One of the neighbor’s from down the road waved me over.

“Have you seen Nicole?” I asked.

The old man nodded. “She went into some car, kicking and screaming. I tried to call the police but they wouldn’t believe me. They called me old and crazy!”

I put a hand on his shoulder. “Thank you!”

Instinct reached for my phone and dialed Pete. He answered on the second ring.

“Yo, this is Pete.”

“Pete! It’s Brendon!”

“No, durr.”

“I think something’s happened to Nicole!”

“What?!? What did you do?” he shouted.

“I didn’t do anything! She went out for a run this morning and hasn’t come back yet. I checked everywhere and she’s not here, Pete, but all of her stuff is, even every pair of shoes! And a neighbor of mine said he saw her struggling with someone but they put her in their car anyway!”

“Did he call the police?”

“Yeah, but they called him old and crazy and wouldn’t believe him.”

“They’re probably in on it... You stay there! I’m on my way! You’re lucky I’m in LA this week, or I’d...” the rest of his mutterings went unheard as he ended the call. I waited impatiently for him by pacing in front of my fireplace. The doorbell finally rang, and Pete nearly burst through the door.

Pete’s POV:

I burst into the house, half expecting it all to be a joke and for Nicole to be sitting on the couch, watching cartoons with Brendon. But she wasn’t there. He was, his face full of worry and this sadness in his eyes that honestly had me concerned.

“Pete! I’m so glad you’re here! She’s still not back yet, and I’ve tried thinking of a few places she could go, but no one said she’s with them. I called Gabe and Ryan and Spencer and Patrick and everyone else who’s out here, but no one’s seen her!” he said.

“When was it you last saw her?” I asked, moving towards the bedroom at the back of the house. He followed me, explaining his story as we walked.

“She woke up early this morning and woke me up to... it doesn’t matter, but she couldn’t sleep well and decided to go for a run. I was going to go with her, but it was so early and she’d kept me up most of the night anyway, doing... that doesn’t matter, either. When I woke up a few hours later, she had left a note of a few things we needed from the store, so I figured I’d go and get them to surprise her when she got home, but hours had passed by then and she still wasn’t home! I figured she might be sleeping or in the bathroom, but when I went to put away the condoms, she wasn’t in either room and-“

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