Forty-Two: Punishment

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Gerard’s POV

I’d almost done it. Almost flown out to Chicago at least a half a dozen times, totally prepared with a list of reasons as to why I should be the one with her, about how sorry I was, how he doesn’t deserve her. But I didn’t. Every time someone talked to her they would turn around and tell me she was happy and not to worry. We’d spoken here and there, so it wasn’t too terrible. She seemed happy enough.

But there were still those nights when she’d call me at four in the morning, bawling because she and Patrick had yet another fight. Twice I’d driven all the way to the airport, but she asked me to stop. She said they would work it out. Out of respect for her wishes, I didn’t buy the ticket.

Dreams still fill my mind every night of her. The day we could be together again, like we were before I stupidly broke her heart and after she turned eighteen. It was hard to believe that two years had passed since then.

When I walked down the stairs she was singing to one of our songs while busily putting up her own artwork where mine had once been. She’d gotten better since I’d seen her last attempts at drawing.


She jumped, but smiled softly when she saw me. “Hi.”

“What’re you doing here?”

“Patrick and I broke up. For good this time,” she said. Her hands were shaking slightly now as she put more pictures on the walls. Many of them were of broken dolls, antiques covered in dust, sad things. Then there was one of a beautiful little girl with jet black hair, her smile, my nose and eyes. Our little girl. Or, what I imagined she would have looked like.

“She would’ve been beautiful,” Helena whispered, suddenly by my side. She held one last picture close to her chest. I watched in silence as she put it up next to our daughter - a boy. He looked just like the girl, but with shorter hair and a broader jaw line.

“He’s very handsome.”

“A little girlish around the face,” she admitted. I laughed, and her with me. “It’s okay, though, because so is his father.”

I stared at her, one eyebrow raised. “Helena...?”

“I was so excited to have her, too. Everyone thought I was being ridiculous, since I was barely eighteen and all, but I’d like to think I’m a little more mature than everyone else my age and I was so excited, Gerard!” she began to cry. I held her close in order to hide my own tears.

“I know. I was, too.”

Helena’s POV

“Why did it have to happen?” I asked.

He shrugged and kissed the top of my head. “I don’t know. Maybe God had more need of her than we did.”

I pulled back, staring at him. “Since when do you talk about God in a philosophical way?”

He laughed, scratching his head nervously. “I don’t know. Since when did you start asking ‘why’ again?”

I laughed, too. “Touché, Mr. Way.”

“But it’s not the end of the world, you know. We could always...” he cut himself off. I look at his face. His handsome face. He misses her, too.

“I missed you, you know,” I admitted quietly.

He smiled sadly, playing with the old drawing table. His fingers traced the spot where Frank had carved his and Nicole’s initials, then Gerard and mine right next to it in little hearts.

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