chapter three

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zara sighs as she jumps into her bed. today was a long, stressful day, her mind was stuck on grayson. as she bites her lips, she thought about her day. which mostly was about grayson. thinking about what would happen if grayson didn't forget what happened in the last 6 months.

november was going by quick and winter break was coming in soon, zara was excited. christmas time was her favourite time of the year.

the lights, the decoration, the joy. every little bit of it she loved. she remembered talking about christmas with grayson during summer.

"and when we're older, our kids will get to decorate their own stockings! and we will also have inflated decorations outside for the whole neighbourhood to see, they will know the dolan family loves christmas time." grayson says and zara laughs at his cuteness.

"why are you laughing?" grayson pouts. zara grins.

"because you look cute, plus you seem to have high hopes for christmas with our future kids." she says laughing. graysons smiles.

her laugh was like a song, and he wanted to replay it all the time. grayson loved her laugh, even if it sounded like a dying dolphin to her, it sounded beautiful to him.

grayson admires how beautiful she looked today, her dark red hair over her shoulders, her long curly eyelashes, cute little button nose. her smile.

grayson was in love with this girl. he wanted to tell her that he loved him but he wasn't sure how. even though it's just three words.

"i love you." grayson blurts out and smiles at her. zara stops laughing and stares at grayson. she then smiles.

he finally said i love you, as much as she wanted to be the first one to say it, grayson was the one to say it first.

"i love you too grayson." zara replies and they begin to kiss like there's no tomorrow.

zara didn't know that there were tears streaming down her face. she wipes them, but more and more were coming down. before you know it she broke down in many tears.

zara misses grayson more than ever, she wanted to hug him so bad and tell him that she loves him with all her heart. she wanted to be there with grayson while he was in pain.

the whole month of october was a wreck, every morning before she left to her morning classes she would visit grayson at the hospital and after her classes too.

there wasn't a day where she wasn't at the hospital. she also became friends with the nurses there.

she received a text message from ethan.

ethan: come over please.

zara: i'll be there in 5.

there you have it ladies, chapter 3. hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you did like and comment! i love seeing your comments.

follow me while you are at it!

twitter: flatteredolans


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