chapter five

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grayson groans as he slams his notebook against his desk. he couldn't remember zara at all and he hated himself for that. lisa comes in and takes a seat next to grayson.

her arm drapes over his shoulders. "grayson, is everything alright?"

grayson sighs, "everything is perfect, i apparently have a girlfriend but i don't even know who she is. i wanna remember her mom, i really do."

grayson had tears threatening to leave his eyes but, he didn't want to cry. a tear finally slips out, and he begins to sob.

lisa never knew grayson felt this way about zara.

"grayson, it's okay. you will remember her, i promise. don't give up on yourself." lisa says. grayson took her words into his mind.

don't give up on yourself

don't give up on grayson.

zara kept those words in her mind all the time. maybe being around grayson will help him remember everything that happened in the past 6 months.

she got out of the shower and wore a simple outfit. nike grey sweats and graysons shirt he had left. after that she took her car keys and drove to graysons house.

she then knocked on the door and grayson opens it. "zara."

grayson smiles. "ethans upstairs."

"i'm not here for ethan, i'm here for you." zara says smiling widely.

"she was here for me?" grayson thought.

"what can i help you with?" grayson says inviting her inside. she steps inside admiring the beautiful decorations that were inside.

she then looked at grayson and knew this wasn't right. she can't force grayson to remember something he probably doesn't want to remember. her smile fades and her eyes make their way down to her shoes.

"just wanted to say hi." she quickly says and runs out the door. tears were streaming down as she got into her car. she knew she couldn't do it.

grayson seems perfectly fine without her, or that's what she thought. she stays in her car and cries so hard. her head begin to throb.

she starts the car and drives slowly to her house. when she pulls up, zara gets out and went inside her home. she runs up to her bedroom and crashes onto her bed.

a bunch of negative thoughts were crashing into her mind. something she strongly disliked was negative vibes. she was all about spreading positivity and making people feel good about them selfs.

she cries silently in her bedroom until her phone buzzes in her pocket.

grayson: why did you leave?

she sighs as she stares at the text. once again, grayson was only being nice.

zara: i just wanted to check up on you.

grayson: i know you weren't just gonna check up on me.

grayson: if you want to tell me something then by all means tell me something.

zara: it's nothing grayson. forget it.

zara: forget me.

grayson: why should i forget you?

grayson: you seem like a important person in my life.

zara: well that was before everything went down hill. it's over.

zara: it's best if we forget.

zara: or in that case i forget, since you already did.

grayson shut his phone and leaned back on the leather couch. should he forget about zara? zara is always on his mind though.

there's chapter five yayaya! hope you liked and if you did vote and comment!

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