chapter six

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it had been weeks since zara and grayson had communicated. zara continues to pour all her energy into some school work to get a excellent mark so her father wouldn't be disappointed. she still thought about grayson, it was best for her to leave him even though it hurt. it was for him.

she knew grayson would never remember her so what's the point of her trying?

zara slams her book shut as she rubs her eyes. she walks in front of her mirror and looks at the disaster in the mirror. slowly, tears streamed down her hot cheeks.

she felt way to hot in her room so she grabbed her sneakers and put them on. her hand grasps the doorknob as she slowly heads out without making a noise. her father wouldn't be happy if she saw her sneaking out.

it was only for a little bit, she wanted to clear her mind. as she walks to the nearest park, zara spots a boy sitting down on a swing set alone.

his back was facing her. zara decides it's best to leave him alone, he probably wanted to clear his mind as well. she walks around the swing set and walks straight into the empty field. "zara!"

her head shot back, as she made eye contact with grayson. grayson didn't have a face expression at all, it was blank.

he was glad he saw zara again, these past few weeks had been a wreck for him. zara's mouth dropped as grayson slowly made his way up to her. "where have you been all this time?"

zara looks down at her feet. "i've been busy."

"doing what?"

"i have school work to complete, you think it's gonna finish by its self?" she spat as grayson flinches back. zara muttered a quick 'sorry'

"it's okay, but i miss you." grayson wailed. "how could you miss me grayson? you don't know me."

grayson tried not to cry, why was he crying? like zara said, you don't know me.

"well, if you were around more then i'll remember you, maybe." he replies.

"key word, maybe. it won't happen grayson. like i said, it's best if we forget." zara addressed. grayson shrugs.

"i have been healing, i think. i had something in my head and it was a picture of you grinning at the fireworks above you. it was the forth of july i'm guessing." grayson says. zara smiles at the thought of that day.

grayson had them wear matching shirts and hats, it was cute. "you remember that?"

grayson laughs. "yeah, i have a clear picture of you smiling. which i adore."

zara blushed as she played with her fingers. "i missed you grayson, a lot."

grayson pulls her in for a hug. "i'll try to remember you as much as i can, but i need your help. help me remember things, we could recreate the memories if we have to. whatever it takes for me to remember you."

a tear slips out of zara eyes as she nods her head. she snuggles into graysons warm chest, hugging him tightly. graysons arms were wrapped against her tiny body. his insides begin to tingle.

it's like he remembers the feeling of this tingle. he smiles against zara's neck.

"you kept all of this?"

right now, zara had invited grayson over to help him remember the past 6 months. she pulled out a large, cardboard box filled with pictures, presents and many more memories.

"yeah, of course." she smiles replying to graysons question.

"i saw this exact bracelet in one of my hoodies." grayson says holding up the gold bracelet which had a charm dangling off of it. the word spelt on the charm said, 'you will forever be my always.'

"yeah, i remember we both couldn't sleep that night so you texted me that you were coming over and then you took me to a cliff to see the sunrise. you held my hand and-"

"looked you in your beautiful brown eyes and asked, 'you will forever be my always and you replied with, 'of course i will, so will you, right?' and i of course said yes. you then leaned your head onto my shoulder. you fell asleep and i kept you safe in my arms." grayson finished the story. zara was shocked, he remembered every single bit of that night.

"i remember like it was yesterday." grayson whispers. he held zara's hand tightly. grayson began to lean in before zara stops him. she didn't want to rush him into things, even though they were together for 6 months.

"i should get back to studying, and your parents must be worried." zara makes an excuse from the top of her head. grayson nodded his head before leaving out the door with the biggest smile on his face, but was low key disappointed that he didn't kiss her.

ok i give y'all permission to attack me for not posting in such a long time lol.

to be very honest, i'm not really into the twins anymore. i still love them very much it's just i have my own life and i just don't have time.

i'll do my very best to update these books and finish them by the end of summer.

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