chapter seven

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grayson threw his textbooks against his wall, his chest going up and down rapidly. his mom bursts into his room. "grayson bailey! what are you doing?!"

he stared at his wall with anger, then quickly changed his mood into sad. he bursts into tears as he cries into his moms chest.

"i-i'm trying to g-get back into reading and i can't mom. it's too difficult to read." grayson cried. his mom engulfed him in a hug.

"grayson, you should be resting. i know how much education is important but your health is way more important. get back into bed and i'll make some soup for you." his mom says rubbing his back.

"i had another flashback, it was when zara and i stared talking. she said she liked guys who were smart and would like to go to the same college as him." grayson explained to his mom. his mom shakes his head.

"explains why she went to you."

"what do you mean mom?! i can't even read as good." grayson cries.

"she chose you because of how intelligent you are in photography." his mom explained. grayson was all for photography.

he loved taking pictures of nature and beauty's of life. zara adored that about grayson. he was excellent in photography.

he knew all types of cameras, angles, lighting and many more. zara knew being smart isn't only in reading or school, it was also everyone's skills. how they learned to become better at their skills. (it's a book not real life man ik he's not the best lol)

"she loved my photography?" grayson asks. his mom nods her head. "she would steal your camera and print out photos and place them around her house."

grayson laughs. "i'm gonna make some soup, you calm down and lay down for a bit alright?"

he nods his head. grayson pulls out his phone and sends zara a text.

grayson: you stole my camera without my permission?

zara: what did you want me to do?! they were absolutely beautiful.

grayson: come over please.

zara: be there in 5

grayson: bring your memory
read 5:03 pm

minutes later, zara had arrived with the box in her hands. "hey darling, he's waiting for you upstairs." lisa greeted her. she sends her a smile and walks up.

with just three knocks, grayson had open the door while the biggest smile. "you're here!" he pulls her in a hug.

"i'm guessing you remembered something?" zara says with hope filling her body. grayson nods and zara smiles.

"i remembered you telling me you liked smart guys so i then open my textbook and begin reading an-" grayson stopped talking. he looked down at his feet. zara wraps her hands around his shoulders.

"it's okay, i know you struggle with reading. it's something about you that makes you different. different is good grayson." she says cheering up grayson.

grayson stayed silent and the both of them had their arms wrapped each other. a few moments had passed by and grayson breathes in the smell of zara's beautiful black hair.

the scent reminded him of something, but he couldn't seem to remember it. a headache starts to occur from the scent and he groans a bit.

"gray?" zara had a puzzled look. she crouches in front of him and holds his warm hands. "gray look at me."

grayson's dark eyes lock in with hers. getting lost in her stunning hazel eyes. he could look at them for days, even months. zara's hand touches his cheek as she leans in.

their lips inches away from each other and then the memory box tips over causing them to pull away. they both pick up the stuff in the memory box and grayson grasps the receipt from chick-fil-a.

"you have the receipt from the day we met?" grayson chuckles. he found it cute that she did. zara blushes and looks down.

he just remembered the day they met.

hope u enjoyed this chapter!

i decided to post another because these are kinda short lol.

comment when you start school!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2018 ⏰

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