Chapter 5

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Coraline's pov.●

Owen wasn't that bad of a person from what I had gathered from him. He was very kind and showed me around that art room. He had also mentioned people that I should probably stay away from unless I wanted a broken bone or bloody nose. The people he mentioned looked fine, they didn't seem to be the one to break my bones.

His looks were different from what I grew up with which is odd for me. He has sandy blonde hair, hazel eyes, and millions of freckles. That was the 7nth thing he had told me, his freckles, maybe he's proud of them? He didn't look that bad though, skinny and a little smaller than me.

Sitting in my seat I became bored because I wans' t gonna do the project the class was given. The teacher said it's a little to much for me, so I agreed to just watch and gather some sort of information. I had a small question for Owen so I asked him when he has finished his project.

"Hey, Owen do you know a guy named Kyle in this school?" I spoke a little unsure and concerned for the question and for the awnser.

"Uh....well that depends on what Kyle, there's at least six I know" he chuckles nervously. I took a minute to think about Kyle's facial features and clothing but I didn't really pay attention to that. I knew that he was tall and had a good figure...? Build? Body? I don't even know at this point.

Another thing I didn't think about was that he could've played a sport, but I didn't even ask. I don't think I have to though, he looks like he does because of his big build. He could also just play around with his neighbors and the kids or his siblings....maybe.

"Well does he have a bike? And is he brody but a dork with general things?" Owens voice cut through my thoughts and I thought for a moment. I don't think he has a bike but its a possibility. For the second question yes he was dorky about things in gym...maybe that's the Kyle I met in gym.

"Well he was certainly dorky, but if he has a bike, that I'm not sure of."

" how about this; does he have gym before this?" How did he know I'm confused. "How did you know he did?" I'm sure by now the confusion wasn't just in my head but written all over my face.

"Then yeah I know who your talking about, I know because I have him in my sixth period.... and I think my rec too." Owen spoke without hesitation until the end. So he did know him, well nows my change to learn more about Owen and Kyle. Owen started to become more and more open as we talked about his life plus how, why, and when I moved here. I couldn't really tell him because my uncle didn't want me to tell anyone just yet.

He wants me to make friends first before I tell them why I'm here because certain people would look at me like I was a loony. Then they would try to send me to the funny farm. I moved here because my mom and dad both agreed they didn't want custody over so they sent me with my grandma and uncle. They sent me to them mostly because they believe in a different religion and my parent didn't like that I was starting too like the same religion.

So i was sent to live with them as a sort of punishment, when really out made my life better. I've never been happier living with them, they see nothing wrong with believing something like that. I believe in the wicked ways. I believe in being a witch and herbs for the healing. Wicca. Also known as witchcraft or wiccan.

Don't judge me about please.

Anyway our while conversation started with Kyle but began to be more about Owen. Which was fine, because I was learning about my new friend and planned on learning more. But at the moment I wanted to learn about Kyle. "So how much do you know about Kyle?" I asked like a shy school girl.

Owen gave me a confused look at first, than it changed to a fox like smirk. Well if a fox could smile that is. "Why? are ya interested in him? Hmmmm?" Owen mused with a hint of humar in his voice. Well how do i put it, I'm not interested in that sort of way, we just didn't get that much time to get to know each other. To, you know, be proper friends to each other.

Maybe I am interested in him in that way...I don't know maybe I'm just thinking about stupid dreams.

"Well, I'm not interested in him like that but I would like to know more about him. We are friends but it's my first day so we didn't really get to talk all that much." I spoke while my face started to heat up.

"Thats ok, well you might wanna get relaxed for this story time folks, because he's got a lot going with his life." He spoke like as if we were on a show or had an audience.

The one thing I'm worried about now, please Owen please just don't say something i shouldn't know without Kyle's permission. I only, mostly just meet the guy and I don't need him beating me senseless the next day. Here I come story time!

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