chapter 10

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✏✨✏Kyle's pov.✏✨✏

I thought it would be cool, drawing I mean. I have always had a nack for it but never decided to take the art classes and prepare for a career in art. I got my artsy skills mostly from my mom, but I have caught a glimpse of my dad sketching things now and then. 

So here I am sitting on the floor in the front office drawing a pair of eyes. With a couple of expo pens, probably looking like a child while doing so. I have a sketch book but that's in my back-pack all the way on the other side of the room and I am way to lazy to go grab it. Instead of a sketch book I chose the floor, which is just a bigger canvas. Although it does suck when people walk on your art.

If only I had spry paint, that would make the eyes pop out more anyway. My dad's friend had already shown up along with my uncle and a couple of others. When I glanced up to see Coraline he was staring at them, probably trying to figure out what they do and if they'll hurt him.

He would glance my way a couple of times and then back to my family and crew members. I think he figured out I'm related to one.

After a couple of minutes a drained lookin' man came through the door who I assumed was his father. They looked similar, but I could still be wrong. He looked around the room until his eyes landed on Coraline. He leaned closer to him and grabbed his face then started to press and squise his nose. The guy looked like he needed sleep and just couldn't get even a few minutes of it. Someone from my crew tried to hit on him, but thankfully failed.

I mean it would be weird for some one I call family start dating his dad when I have some sort of feelings for Coraline myself. That would be just awkward and strange for everyone.

After a minute I continued to draw on the ground then I decided to give Coraline a little peek of what it was. Leaning back I smirked at him and he got the gift of what I was doing, so he leaned forward only a little to get a glimpse. My smirk immiediatly turned into a grin while He leaned back with a shy smile and nodded to tell me he saw what I let him see.

After a while I began to grow concerned about the situation. Are they going to say I beat him? I wouldn't do that especially to Coraline. Would they say we got into a fight in general? God I hope not, my uncle wouldn't be to pleased to hear that one. Not like he's pleased to be here in the first place. He hates coming here for a fight with me or just a couple of spoons full of sloppy Joe.

Getting called into the office wasn't all that new to me. I don't mean to get into fights, they provoke me and I kinda have anger issues. My anger issues are for some stupid reason, you won't believe, only kicks in when someone stupid challenges me. Some people knowing about my family's club, they think that I am some sort of a monster or a part of the mafia.

I mean sure, some of my family is a part the mafia, but they aren't bad people. They would never put their own family in harm's way at all and it's the same with my dads club. We would never put each other in harm's way at all. We fight together and stay together. That's how I had grown up, but people still seen it as stupid stereotypes.

I looked around the room again to recolect my surroundings, since it had changed in only about thirty minutes. I had still seen my group and family inspecting Coraline's parent, but most had eased up. I looked in Coraline's direction and stopped at his parent, not knowing who he was to him, I'm just gonna go with parent. He was asleep, but in one of those weird school chair positions. You know, the one where your too tired and so you could care less how or where you sleep and end up sleeping in a position, that you know damn well is gonna give you back pain.

No? Just me then? Or, around finals at college? Some one has to relate to that one, and I only know about those things even though I'm in high School, is because 1. My brother had gone to college and 2. The internet. So I am well informed.

He looked really uncomfortable, although that's what it looks like to me, for all I know he could be just as comfortable as sleeping on a bed made of clouds. Although I think that would either be nice and soft or really wet and cold. I took my chance to look at Coraline and deep down hoped that our eyes would meet. I have no idea why I'm so fascinated by them, but they are beautiful and if he thinks otherwise I will try to change his mind as much as possible.

Another thing I really don't understand is the schools office system. I understand placing counclors with counclors and assistants with, you get the idea. But why, why do they take a second to yell at you and to send you to the office, than take years to give the treatment?
This will always be beyond me.

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