The past or the future?

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You wake up in a cold cell and your alone. A massive explosion happens and the light shines onto your body. Jaraiya is there.. you think for a minute where you could be, jaraiya has quite short hair I thought his hair was long the last time I saw him! He lets you out of the cell "are you the prophecy?" He asks. "I'm not sure" you respond in a cold tone. You follow him back to the leaf and you go to the hospital where you are greeted by a few ninja that are wearing old equipment but you decide not to question it..they lead you to a room where you lay down on the bed. Snakes are coming out of your pockets!?!? And out of your shoes? They're biting you now, and who is that? It's him "hello child" he says with a dark tone. "My original vessel has been destroyed so you are my new vessel" The snakes have now surrounded your whole body it's getting....darker. Where am I now!?!? Your in front of jaraiya and his toad and fighting a man....he's calling him pain? Wait what! Jaraiya he-he got stabbed! I have to do something! You look behind you as a kunai goes across your throat. And now your back in a cell. "How did you do that?" A man with a mask and one hole in the middle asks. "I'm not even sure" you respond with. He looks like an akatski. You feel an urge in your body to hurt him.... you don't understand it but the urge is there and it feels like a burning passion to kill him...must kill him...MUST KILL HIM

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