Musa x Stormy (A little birdie)

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Stormy's POV.
I growled as I looked into the mirror and saw Myself. I waved my hand and saw Musa hangin' with those Twerps! "Hey winx! Anyone wanna go to the park with me?" Musa asked chirpilly. I groaned and rolled my eyes. All of the Fairy's turned her down and walked away leaving her there alone. Musa frowned and started to fly to the park. I smirked and teleported there. I hid behind a tree and watched as she sat down. I was about to attack when she started crying. I frowned and watched. "Why I she crying?" I asked myself. "Rivin... Why did you do that?" She asked herself as she cried sitting under a tree looking into a puddle. I sighed lightly and watched closely as she held her knees. She seemed so sad. Over a boy? Why? He's an idiot. When Darcy dated him he seemed... Rude, conceded and had the biggest ego ever! Why would any girl like him? Oh! Thata right. I was here to destroy the stupid fairy. I stepped out and she looked up and gave me a teary smile. "Hi Stormy. Here to put an End to mt misory?" She asked which caught me rather off guard. "Um.. Why are you so hung up on some stupid guy?" I asked crossing my arms and looking down at her. She wiped her tears away and looked up at me. "He's not just some stupid guy. Its Rivin. The guy I've liked for a while. Why are you even talking to me? You hate me. " she said holding her heart and crying into the puddle. I sighed and bent down to my knees and said. "Dont tell ANYONE about this. But I actually think we could have been friends... Well sorta. I dont like the others but you always seemed different. That is until you met that rivin guy. I actually thought you could have been a decent 'friend.' Dont waste your time on a guy that doesnt love you back. If you do it sucks the life out of you. You actually deserve happiness. I could care less about the other winx but you deserve a good life. Even if I dont ever talk to you like this again.. Just know. If you truley need me. I'll be there... Of a sort. You kinda remind me of my sister." I smiled and grabbed her hand and pulled it into the puddle. "Let it wash over you." I said slowly and she nodded as all her tears dried and she smiled lightly. "Thank you stormy. And...if we fight-" I shook my head. "When we fight again... Dont take it personally if I take a hit at you. I might like you, but I hate your friends more. And if you stand in the way... I won't be able to be responsible for my actions." She let out a small sigh and nodded before she smiled at me. "That's ok. I'll be there to help! I think we coulda been friends to stormy. If only y'all didn't try and take blooms fire." I grimaced and pointed my finger. "Our coven earned that fire! They died trying to get it!" Musa snickered and hugged me knocking me back and falling on my butt with her hugging me tightly. I sighed and hugged back. "I was just Jokin', if we met sooner we probably coulda been friends." Musa said as she pulled away and sat on her knees. I smiled and patted her head. "Why do you always wear pigtails?... Its just a question that I've wondered. You always wear them. " Musa looked up at her pigtails and undid them making her hair go to about shoulder length when it fell. "I guess its just easier to fight y'all when its tied up." She chuckled. I nodded. "Icy keeps her's tied up so she doesn't ya know. Look like a troll. Its takes forever to brush. But it is kinda fun." Musa nodded. "In all honesty. I think I've always been a little jealous of Icy and Darcy for there long hair. Mine doesnt really grow all that much." I nodded and leaned against the tree. "Mines to curley and it hurts to much to brush. When I was little I used icy's brush to try and my hair broke it. " Musa started laughing and leaned her head on my shoulder leaning against the tree same as I. "Aww. What did Icy say?" Musa asked. "She said if I ever used it again she'd turn me into a puppy. " I chuckled. Musa snickered and nodded. "Is she a sour ball?" Musa asked. I shook my head. "Nah. She's only mad when we get beaten by the winx... Mainly bloom. How much your thinkin' icy hates bloom... Quadroople it." I chuckled lightly and scratched the back of my head smiling. Musa smiled and laughed lightly. "Wow. Thats a lot of hate. " I nodded and looked up to see it was starting to sprinkle. I held out my hand and a few drops of water fell on my hand. Musa looked up and began to sing and a little blue bird landed on her finger. It looked up at me and landed on my shoulder nuzzling into my cheek. She smiled and petted it with her finger. "Birds like you huh?" Musa asked. I chuckled and said. "Not as much as Icy. Remember Pepe? She 'LOVED' the little ducky. " Musa began to laugh as she nodded. "I bet she did. I toatly didnt hear her screaming and yelling. She hates ducks. " she giggled. I smiled and petted the bird and it hopped into my hands. Musa smiled and looked up to see that water was now surrounding us. " I've never seen so much water juat from rain. " she said slwoly seeing the park was flooding slightly. I sighed and stood up holding my hand out. "Rain is heavily influenced by me. I am the witch of storms. Wanna go somewhere else? I dont think I can go back yet. Darcy and Darkar are having a bit of an argument." Musa smiled and stood up grabbing my hand. I began to fly up holding her hand and landed in the street and waved my hand so I was wearing a Dark pink hoodie that went below my thighs and covered my head. Musa looked at me amused and patted my head. "You look like a Dork Stormy." She chuckled and pulled me into a café. We ssat down and I looked out the window to see the bluebird on the window seal. I frowned and musa looked. "How about this. I'll take care of it." I looked up at her and smiled. "Id like that. Thank you Musa. "

(In season six.)

Musa's POV.
I walked outside and into the secret green house. Im surprised flora or none of the other fairy's have found. They will find it one day... Probably. I started to sing and the blue bird flew down. I smiled and petted its head. "Hi are you lighting?" I asked. It tweeting and I held up a picture of Stormy. We had taken it the day that we got little lightning. She said that I couldn't tell anybody. I didnt. Lightning was there. He smiled and flew around happily around the picture and I transformed into Bloomix and flew up to his hidden nest in the corner hidden by a building mishap. A giant hole in the wall. He had it in the hole and I hung it in there with the rest of the pictures. Over the years when she could get away from her sisters, we could go out. This way I could always keep our memories and nobody would find out. I know noone will because flowers started to grow over the hole and it hid the bird and its little stormy memories stash. I always had a picture of her in my wallet since that day. She... Is my best friend. I smiled and flew down reverting bacm to my normal form and waving at the bird. It tweeted happily and I walked out and back to the winx.

Thanks for the request blackheart409!!! I hope you liked it! I like dwriting this one! It was sweet. X3 and the next one is Valtor x Icy requested by Emerald-Dearest! Thanks for the requests! I'm having a lot of fun doing them!

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