Tecna x Darcy (Digital Darkness)

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Darcy's POV.
I sighed as I sat in cloudtower on my laptop. Valtor was weirdly calm today.  Oh well.  I looked at my laptop and started to login to my online game.  Icy and Stormy had a profile to,  but stormy wasnt aloud to play much cause she'd always get mad that me or Icy would beat her.  Icy wasn't here,  she was with Valtor in his study looking for spells. I groaned.  I had wanted to play for a while.  I didnt cheat much when I was online.  It was actually fun to play the game the way it was meant to be played.  I logged on and my person looked just like me. I looked at the play requests and saw that one of the players user was.  "Digital-Shock. " mine was "Darkness-Decends. " I clicked her request and it said.  "Do you wish to enter the quest with this player?" I clicked yes and it teleported me to the player known as "Digital-Shock." When it took me there I heard a mic.  Sound and heard a voice.  "Hey.  Your the one doing this quest with me correct?" I nodded and said.  "Yea." Through the mic.  "... Hmm. " she mumbled and i tilted my head.  "What?" I asked slightly recognizing her voice.  "You seen familiar... And your avitar... Darcy?" She asked and my face went black. Shit. "Tecna?" I asked as I adjusted my mic.  She grunted and walked her avitar over to me. "So your the Trix Darcy correct?" She asked and I made my avitar nod.  "Yea. Can we just hurry this up?  I can clearly see that you dont wanna be around my avitar or me.  But I refuse to lose any progress." I said as I made my character walk and set up a fire.  Tecna's av.  Looked at mine confused and made a frown animation. She sighed and then walked to the small fire I had started and held out her fire charm that obsorbed it.  "This'll make getting the amulet of aserothinza a lot easier." Tecna said through the mic.  And held it up. I sighed and nodded.  Her Av. Frowned again and asked.  "Whats wrong?" My Av.  Glared and rested her hands on her hips as I glared at the computer.  "Can't we just play the game and put our personal lives to the side? I would happily log off and play with stormy and Icy but newsflash!  Icy is helping Valtor anx Stormy gets to angry when she loses or dies!" I said through gritted teeth and started pounding my hands on the keys making my Av.  Freak out and run around shooting random spells.  Tecna started to freak out on the other side of the mic.  And said.  "Calm Down Darcy!  I-I didnt mean to upset you!" She said as her Av.  Ran to mine and grabbed her by her arms and shook her.  "I'm sorry!  I dont mean to act rude.  Its just.  The winx and the Trix dont exactly go together in friendship terms." Tecna said as her Av.  Motioned for me to move out of the way.  I obliged and she held up her hands and a giant blue of green and numbers appeared. "How... About we meet in real life so it will be easier to play... How about at the Café...?  That way we can actually do better and not argue... Over the mic?" I sighed and my hand hovered over the botton on my headphones and mic.  "Fine.  Meet me at the Hex Café in ten." I said closing my laptop and put on a big purple hoddie that draped down past my thighs and I started walking with my laptop held close to my chest and put my headphones with the mic.  Around my neck and teleported to out to the hex café.  I was right outside the door and I let out a littke sigh and walked in.  I saw a girl sitting in the back with a purple and yellow computer along with the winx symbol on the headset. I hung my head holding my computer close and stalked over to her and sat down. She was wearing a light purple and yellow hoodie. "Hi Darkness-Decends." She gave me a small smile but was hidden from the rest of thw world because of her hoodie.  I smiled back,  I knew mine would be hidden. I out my laptop down and turned on everything and started up the game.  I was sitting next to her and we were in the corner.  She looked over and said.  "Left,  arrow elf. " I nodded and hit him back into a rock and took his essentials.  I saw a shadow sprite stalking her about to sneak up on her and steal her stuff so I commanded my Av.  To use the spell.  "Shatter darkness!" My Av.  Cast as it got rid of the sprites.  We played for about three hours until Tecna got a call from Bloom and I From Icy.  "Where are you?!  Valtor is calling us!  He's not in a good mood today! -Please come home?! He wants us to go to avalos!" I looked at them shocked and jumped up slamming my laptop shut and looking at Tecna and covering the phone and mouthing the words.  "We'll play later right?" She smiled and nodded.  I smiled and grabbed my stuff running out and teleporting back to cloudtower.  When I left I had seen tecna get onto a bus.  I walked into the school and frowned as I saw Valtor stomp up to me and glare.  "Where were you?" He said sternly and I hid my laptop and headset under my hoodie and grumbled.  He growled and Icy frowned.  "What? She can't have some time alone?  She doesnt wanna be locked up in this place 24/7 geez. -Cut us some slack! She just wnt out.-notices the coffee cup- she went for coffee. -yeah!  Are we not aloud to drink coffee?!  Geez!  Overbearing much?!" Icy and Stormy glared as they both started asking and yelling things making Valtor back away and he looked rather scared honestly.  It was funny.  He started to run but Icy and Stormy followed.  I smirked and took a sip of my Coffee and walked to our room and sat on my bed and turned on my computer and saw a challenge.  "Two member team!  For the victory!  You will rule the game!  You will be the masters and get the twin swords!" I gasped lightly and typed up the request to Tecna and she answered imedietly.  "Yea I saw!... Do you wanna be my partner?  Timmy ducks at these types of games. " I smirked and nodded.  "Of course.  We'll get those twin swords!" I cheered as her Av smiled. 

Time skip

We had just beaten everyone!  Tecna had gotten the sword known as "Digi." I was awarded the sword "Darla." "Amazing work!  Your awarded the swords of ledgend.  (In this game)  that are said to beat anything and can even be controlled by great fairies or witches. What will your team be called?" The web sight Av.  Asked us.  I looked at Tecna and she asked.  "Hmm?  Digital duo?" I shook my head.  "To bland... Hmm... Digital Darkness? " her Av.  Smirked and nodded.  "I love it!" She said as the Websight Av locked it and said.  "You two are now partners in your quests and are now bound to stay together by the swords. " I smiled and Tecna's Av.  Hugged mine.  "Digital besties?" She asked as I nodded.  "Digital Besties." I played along and my Av hugged back.  I was gonna keep playing but Valtor was screaming so I had to go save him.. From my sisters.  Then I gotta thank them.  I chuckled and got up turning my computer off and walked outside to deal with my sisters and a crabby Valtor. 

Soo I hope you liked it!   I thought it was cute. Sorry if it took a big longer.  But thanks for the request blackheart409!!! I'm always open to requests.  So if you have any go ahead... I'm really bored rn.

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