Flora x Anagon (When Ice thaws)

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Flora's Pov
I let a small sigh escape my lips as I looked down into the obis. The Wizards Fell down to the bottom with a thud. The winx started to leave. We we're done here...well. They were. Over the time here I had kinda gotten close with Anagon. Granted we we're still enemy's but nonetheless I still wanted to at least make sure he was okay. Bloom motioned for me to follow. I shook my head. "I-Ill catch up Bloom. No worries." I half smiled and she gave me a crooked confused smile before flying away. Geez. Its so cold here. I'm surprised my wings aren't falling off. I floated down with a soft click of my heels. I saw the Wizards on the floor of the cave. Geez all this ice is making me this of the Trix and the Ancientsstresses. I honestly can't be thinking of them when I'm going to see an old friend. I fluttered over to a block of ice. I lifted my hand to the ice block and smiled lightly. Anagon shot me a small smile but was wiped when he glared. I held up my hand to the ice and smiled. "Anagon?" I asked. He blunk once. I smiled and snapped my fingers, a telepathic bond formed and I sat in front of him and I thought for a moment. "Hi Anagon." I said telepathically . He cracked a smile as the ice held his features still. It looked like it hurt. "Hello Flora." He said through our mind link. "How are you?" I asked patting down my skirt and sitting down on a block of ice. Cold. "Obviously." Anagon said through the link again. I blushed lightly and looked up. "Sorry Anagon...its just...ya know. You are evil."

All knowing pov
Anagon let out a sigh or rather mental sigh and his eyes locks with flora's as he said through the link. "How's Helia?" His mind had sort of a dry tone. Not really caring but still not wanting her to go.  She smiled. "Good. He's doing well and recovering from a little cold right now. He got it a few days ago and he doesn't feel so hot." Anagon scoffed and his link asked. "Why are you still with him? Your stronger than he is, your absolutely perfect...Well despite fighting with Bloom. Your a good girl but you still love him? He's a blithering oaf." Anagon said to Flora who had become somewhat of a friend. He didn't 'Fancy' her romantically but he didn't hate her. They were good friends. Flora's heart belonged to Helia, forever and always. Anagon Didn't really like Helia, he thought the boy,was to soft and could in no way protect the flower of a girl he now called a sister. "Flora?" He asked as the link began to Strain. "Yes?" She questioned. "You'll get me off of earth right?" She chuckled. "When Ice thaws." A small crackle was heard before the link cut out and neither could hear one another's thoughts anymore. They had to have concentration and the cold was getting to the Nature fairy. Anagon however couldn't feel any of his body so he couldn't care less. He tried to reopen the link but at alas it was for not. Flora couldn't concentrate. She couldn't see straight. The cold was nipping at her wings and she felt them begin for freeze. A fairy can only last so long in ice...and a Nature fairy isn't exactly the best fit for Ice. She shuddered as she felt her wings chip. She gave Anagon an apologetic look before shooting off into the sky, her wings were encrusted with frost. She hasn't been down there long. Not at all in fact but the cold was just to intense. Flora landed just at the top still feeling the freeze and as soon as she landed she dropped to her knees and she heard a crack and a shatter. She felt her heart stop. She gulped deeply and turned. The ice was covering what she needed to see. As far as she could tell it was the ice slipping off one of the cracks. But...it was much, MUCH worse. Flora stood up and jumped into the air only to come back down into a nose dive, right into the snow and ice. She heard another crack and she whimpered at the pain and fear something was wrong. She couldn't fly, her wings were to heavy and it hurt. A lot. Why did it hurt? She wondered. She stood up dusting the snow off her skirt and she sighed as she felt her wing sag at her side. She looked down and saw some of the ice fall off. She smiled. "That's it! I'll flutter a little!" She cheered and began to flutter until she heard a sickening crack and it felt like she had been stabbed in the back with a billion knives in one place. She fell to the ground trying to hold her wings. She tried her best not to cry but...she couldn't take it. She let out the loudest scream she could do without all the ice collapsing on her. (Which wasn't very loud) she had gotten her lip to help suppress the pain. Granted that only worked until her lip started to bleed. Then she simply scratched at the ice trying to concentrate on something else then the sheer pain in her wings. She could walk fine but if she walked her wings would dangle and the dangle would irritate whatever is going on with her wings. Faragonda told Flora that wings couldn't be frozen unless your in your first fairy form. But ..She's clearly not in her first fairy form and she certainly isn't not crying because her wings hurt. She turned her head and cast a glance at her wings. "...What? What happened?" She asked as she tried to touch them so she could inspect them...that didn't work. As soon as she made contact it felt even worse than knives. Like...someone had dug a sword into her back and just kept twisting it. She looked up. The only way out...was to fly. She bit her lip roughly and stood. Her wings cracked and she felt hot tears stream down her face. She took a running start and her wings began to slowly glide in the wind. It hurt but not as much as the dragging. She jumped into the air hoping she could make it. She fluttered for about ten seconds before the pain got to her. She dropped like a rock and her wings sunk but she managed to snag onto a jagged rock. Downside...it cut into her hand. Today was not the little flower fairy's day. She whimpered lightly and started to climb. She could just detransform you say but in this state should could possibly never transform again if she detransformed with her wings like this. Fairy's in history did that and they never got there wings back. Flora slung herself over and managed to get out if the cave. She held up her hand and saw Nothing but a long journey being a currently disabled fairy at the moment. She sighed. "Speedix." She mumbled and her wings didn't do anything. She sighed and then all she could see was a blur and feeling the most painful thing in the world rush through her wings. She looked up and saw Anagon. He smiled and sat her down on the stoop to Alfea. "I told you I'd be there for you and I am...just...be safe. I'll be with my brothers if you need me. Our little escape deal is off." He smiled and ran away at superspeed. Flora looked up and saw Aisha. Aisha ran over to her to help. "FLORA!" She said near tears and picked her up running off to the nurse.

After that. Flora recovered perfectly, writing in her diary about Anagon and how he's an amazing man and even better brother. She wanted to be close to him but the more she thought about how wise Anagon was she starred to realize how Helia is just...boring and won't actually protect her. Flora didn't break up with Helia. She simply...said 'break.' They got back together soon after when Helia did prove himself and he nearly died trying to save her from an imposter bloom. Who of which was trying to kill her. Flora chose right. She just wish she could have had her brother with her too. :')

Soo! Idk if you wanted like love love or kinda friendship love but IG you got this one since when we talked you said you were a helia x Flora gal so ...I hope ya liked it! Bye! And thanks for the request VampireSlayer10210! Your awesome! I had fun writing this bond. Sorry it took so long. :/

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