Tritanus x Icy (a world of regret)

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Tritanus' POV. 
I smiled as Icy achieved Dark Sirenix. She seemed so happy. It was rather cute. She drifted around me and floated.  

When we met
Icy got me. She was devious and mysterious.  She understood how I felt.  Her voice was intoxicating.  I loved it.  She seemed perfect head to toe.  What was the catch?

When she helped me
I smiled as she got me what I needed.  She was always there for me. She always helped me recover and helped me with everything.  Looking back she was the one that always believed in me. She was my little snowflake.

Special moments together
I had taken her to the bottom of the ocean to show her the water-y-wold. I swam down to the bottom and she floated by me looking slightly confused.  "What are we doing here Tritanus?" She asked as she laid her hands on my shoulder. I smiled and grabbed her by her waist and pulled her close to my chest.  I smiled and pointed to the lights that light up in the distance.  "Crystals are down here and the light from the angler fish reflects." I said as I held her waist smiling as she looked into the obyiss.  Honestly.... I think her eyes shined brighter than the crystals.

When I got to the throne. 
When I got to the throne,  my mind was clouded by the power.  I couldn't think of anything else than that.  I wanted Icy to be my empress but I couldn't see anything. The power blinded me.  She looked surprised and near tears. I can't believe I blew her away along with her sisters. 

Flashback end.

Tritanus' POV.
I looked at My brother Nuraeus as he looked up at me with a smile.  I grunted and turned around ready to be sent off to the omega Diemntion. Everyone looked at me with harsh glares.  I let out a light sigh as I thought of Icy.  I messed up so bad and I'd never get her back.  My Brother laid his hand on my shoulder and I shrugged it away. He frowned and looked down as they sent me off to the omega Dimension. 

Time skip

I looked out of the ice block I was frozen in.  Ice.  It had to be ice didnt it?  This is my eternal hell.  Seeing what my love could create and being incased in it for eternity.  I would never be able to be free. Everywhere I looked I thought of her.  I ruined everything. I had to go and f*** it up. Maybe Father was right to choose Neu- "BROTHER!  I FINALLY FOUND YOU!" I heard a loud happy voice cheer as I looked over and saw... Neuraus. He held up a potion and splashed it on the ice.  It thawed out imedietly and stopped mid-way down.  "Its been a while. " he smiled and sat down on an ice block.  He didnt have a tail anymore and he noticed I was staring.  "I got Aisha to cast a spell. It'll only last for about an hour.  So I gotta make this visit quick." Neuraus smiled and kicked his feet back and forth. "Cool huh?" He asked as he looked up at me.  "Anyway.  I wanted to come and see you.  I miss you.. No matter what.  I love you brother. How are you?" He asked me and I sighed.  "What in general?  Emotionally?  Physically?  What?" I grumbled. He smiled.  "Let's start with emotionally first." Neuraus said as he smiled at me. I sighed and popped my neck.  "Fine.  I feel like hell since what happened. " he tilted his head confused.  "So your sorry?" He asked with a hint of empathy.  I shook my head.  "No. I feel like this because of what happened to Icy." I said as my arm rested on the ice and my head on my hand.  He looked up with a grin.  "You miss her huh?" He cooed as he looked at me entently.  I blushed lightly and nodded.  When I was mutated I didnt have to worry about the blush because of the green skin and gills.  Plus the fact that we were always moving,  but I can't even turn around in the ice block!  "Yes.  I miss Her more than anything. " he smirked and chuckled lightly as he closed his eyes and leaned back on an ice wall.  "And I bet that being surrounded by ice doesnt exactly help your problem." My brother said as he looked around and saw nothing but ice and snow,  and maybe a little rock. "At all. " I growled.  "Maybe you shouldn't have blown her away." He said in a snarky tone.  I rolled my eyes and groaned.  "I didnt know what was going on by the end.  But I will say.  I am sorry for one thing.  I'm sorry for hurting my snowflake." He smiled and nodded.  "If I see her again,  I'll be sure to tell her. " I looked at him unsure and cocked a brow.  "Why would you see her? One would think that her business would be done since I'm not there anymore....." I said as my brows furrowed.  He laughed lightly and stood up. "Who knows.  Maybe She'll be my girl.  I mean. Its not like your really an option anymore. And from what I hear her first kiss was a guy named 'Valtor'." I growled as I tried to thrash but he threw another potion at me and the ice began to harden again.  "It'll take about three hours. " he chuckled and rubbed the back of his head.  "I doubt that he can compare to me anyway.  And I dont think she'd go for you." I smirked and he glared.  "Why not?" I asked as I opened a portal.  "I dont think she'd go and waste her time on  a perfect little prince that has no intention for power. " I said wirh a glare and he smirked getting halfway through the portal.  "Only time will tell. " he said disappearing.  I sighed as I waited for the ice to harden. "Icy... I now live in a world of regret and fridgnednsss.  I miss your cold touch. It may not be much warmer than this but at least I knew you cared. " k said as the ice finished and froze me. 

Thanks!  I loved this request Emerald-Dearest!!!  I loved it.  And I'm still taking requests.  Thanks for the reads!

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