BBS: College Roommates

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H20 Delirious: -jumps into bed and hurts a part of his body, promptly asks- DID YOU SEE THAT?!

MiniLadd: -labels everything in the shared fridge as "mine", but he shares anyways-

Terrorizer: -accidentally slams door at 3 in the morning then apologizes loudly-

Ohm: -is never home due to how many things he is involved in and he is only home to eat Ramen and binge watch Netflix-

Moo: -rearranges everything in the shower according to how much soap is left in the bottle-

Daithi De Nogla: -does homework due in a month and questions your work ethic-

Vanoss: -orders pizza with everything on it to make sure he didn't miss your favorite topping-

Lui: -falls out of bed in hysterics and complains about all the cute people on campus-

Smii7y: -spends all the tie he should be studying watching old youtube memes-

Wildcat: -is silent for hours and suddenly screams- FUCK! -he forgot something that he was supposed to do two hours ago-

Cartoonz: -look up from laptop on a Sunday night and shakes his head silently before getting back to whatever it was he was doing-

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