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P.S. This chapter has nothing to do with water. Well I guess it kind of does idk you guys tell me I'm confused already!😂XD lol anyway enjoy!!!
Bens POV( still)

I looked frantically around the room beginning to panic and if I could breathe I'd be hyperventilating! I tried swallowing the cereal in my throat but it only caused me more pain! I wanted to go over to the other proxies at the table so I could get help but I couldn't move! I was stuck in my place! Silently gagging my body shivering along with violent spasms attacking me every few seconds! I closed my eyes and I regretted it right after, I saw a flash back from when I was drowning in that lake! The burning in my lungs as they filled with water! The fear knowing that nobody was coming to save me and that I knew I was going to die! No matter how loud I screamed it was only killing me faster!

I opened my tear stained eyes to find myself shaking even worse now! With each spasm that went through my body I lost more and more of the little oxygen I had left! 'I'm really fucking scared now. I just want someone to hug me and say it's going to be OK.' I thought to myself hammering my fist on the counter top as loud as I could. I couldn't even hear it over my own shaking and silent screams! I slumped down onto my knees on the floor facing the sink, sobbing silently. I felt someone shake me but I didn't look up. I stared down at my shaking hands as a spasm ran through my body draining the last bit of oxygen in my lungs.'

'This is it' I thought closing my eyes only to shoot my eyes open to feel someone pinch a nerve in my left side! I wanted to yell but I couldn't! Instead despite my condition I threw myself up to the sink! Suddenly forgetting how weak I was, another violent spasm went through my body and it was 'game over' for me! I thrusted my head forward into the sink, gagging and choking on my vomit until all I could do was gag and gasp for air! I stood there shaking still and the dramatic spasms were starting to die down a bit.

I looked down into the sink and discovered the small red rubber ball LJ had lost! 'You have got to be fucking shitting me' I was too exhausted from my near 2nd death experience to be mad right now. But still, 'fuck you LJ' I silently cursed holding the bloody ball in my hand, WAIT 'BLOODY!?' I look down into the sink, that was not vomit, that was 100% blood! I stared down in horror as I caught my breath. I weakly rasped my tongue over my lips, yep it was blood alright, MY blood! 'Why am I loosing so much of it I asked myself' I was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts by Jeff saying my name and asking if I was ok.

Ben had stopped choking from what I could tell, I wasn't sure what I did but it made him stop. He threw up into the sink and I rubbed his back trying to comfort my friend. I could feel his shivers and small spasms rush through my arm making me shiver. "Ben? Are you ok?" I asked after he'd stopped throwing up. He hesitated then turned around blood dripping from his mouth! I took my hand off him afraid he was going to lash out 'Does it look like I'm OK to you!' I could almost perfectly imagine him yelling that statement in my face. I flinched as he opened his mouth but all that came out was a small whimper.

He held his throat and started to cry some more. I felt so bad for the kid, I mean yeah he was my friend but it felt like more than just that. For some reason my heart ached when I saw him like this. Hurt, upset, shaken up like that, I pulled him close and let him sob into my sweatshirt. I hugged him and rubbed his back whispering to him softly. "It's ok Ben, I'm here, I've got you."I said trying my best to sound sincere. He seemed to settle down at my touch. I picked him up bridal style and took him to our room.

Setting him on the bed, he tensed up and started to freak out a bit so I stopped. Instead I sat on his bed holding him in my arms. He smiled shyly at me and he was clearly struggling to stay awake in my arms. I lay down on his bed and put his head on my sweatshirt. Ben rolled over onto his stomach and snuggled up next to me burying his face in my sweatshirt. Wrapping his arms around me and pulling me into a light side hug he smiled and muffled something I couldn't understand. He closed his eyes and I pet his hair smiling at him. "Goodnight Benny-boo." I say softly before shutting my eyes to the best of my ability and drifting off to sleep.

Bens POV
I lay down on Jeff and whispered softly into his hoody. "I love you Jeff, more than you know." I shut my eyes drifting off to sleep as Jeff pet my hair and whispered "Goodnight Benny-boo." before he too had drifted off to sleep. "Goodnight Jeff." I said quietly. It was worth it no matter how bad my throat hurt, to tell him that I love him...even though he couldn't hear it.


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