The Letter and The Locket

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Guys I'm just gonna say this now... I'm on sleeping pills right now from my insomnia so uh if ''tis chapter sucks @$$ I'm sorry but yeh idk where I was going with this. :p

Smile/Chase's POV

Warm, it's so warm. Why is my stomach so warm? Slowly I opened my eyes then shut them again. I moved slightly feeling something brush up against my fur. I just ignored it until I heard something and felt something vibrate against my stomach. The noise sounded like...purring? I opened my eyes to see what the heck I was up against to see Grinny curled up in my belly fur. My eyes widened and I yelped jumping backwards. Grinny opened his eyes and looked at me, his eyes widened too. "Grinny, what the actual fuck were you doing?" I yelled at him. His eyes widened with fear, his ears flattened against his head and his tail was now between his legs. "I-I'm sorry!" He yelled shrinking back into a shaking ball form and closing his eyes. I felt bad, I shouldn't have cursed at him. I took a step towards him and opened my mouth to apologize. He opened his eyes realizing I had come closer and bolted out of the room. My eyes widened and I leaped off the bed chasing after him. "S-Sam wait! I didn't mean to scare you!" I yelled charging after him.

Grinny's/Sam's POV
I bolted down the stairs in my cat form, tears in my eyes. I had never heard him cuss at me before. He never had that tone with me either. I knew I should've just stayed where I was! Dammit Sam why do you always have to ruin things?! You're such a useless fool! I kept running until I saw the garden realizing I was outside. I bolted into the garden and hid, sobbing into my paws trying my best to muffle the cries.

Soon I heard Smile yelling. "Grinny where did you go? I'm not mad! Please just come out!" There was a long pause before I slowly crept out of a rose bush. The thorns caught onto my fur coat holding me back. I winced as I tried to wriggle free from the bush but it only got me more stuck. "Grinny? Where are you?" I heard Smile yelling and coming closer. I yelled back "I'm stuck! In the rose bush!" I heard footsteps running towards me. "I'm coming Grinny just hang on!" He yelled. "Please hurry!" I whimpered sounding pathetic as always.

I watched as he skidded to a stop in front of me and the rose bush panting. "Grinny! There you are!" He said panting. "Yep, here I am." I mumbled not meeting his eyes. I heard him sigh before turning to his human form. I looked at his human form and realized he was only in his boxers.(ehhh cringe!) I blushed, looking away from him. Thank god I'm in my cat form. I thought silently. I moved uncomfortably as Smile tucked the branches out of my fur and skin. Finally I was free from the thorns but I could still feel the cuts on my skin. "Th-thanks." I whispered still looking down. Smile picked me up and took me back to the house to clean up my cuts.

The way back to the house I was uncomfortable in Smile's arms. I guess he noticed because his next move was this. He gently placed me on the ground and turned into his dog form. Before I could walk away from him I felt sharp teeth digging into my scruff. Before I know it I'm hovering off the ground dangling in Smile's mouth. I squirmed and fought against him but he didn't put me down. Each movement stung and eventually I gave up. For some reason I enjoyed this, it made me I'm not sure why but I feel comforting whenever I'm around Smile. I guess it's because he's much stronger than me and bigger. Or maybe it's the little voice in my head telling me to kiss him? To snuggle up next to him so I can feel his warmth against my small cat body.

When we got to the house he carried me into the living room. He put me down on the couch and ran upstairs. Being put down made me snap out of my thoughts. I looked around seeing the room for the first time in the light. Smile had come back, but I guess I didn't notice. When I finally snapped out of it I saw that I was staring into his eyes the entire time. I looked away from him and realized he was holding a small white box with a red plus sign on it. I eyed it curiously avoiding his eyes.

"I need you to turn into your human form for me." He said softly. I sighed and nodded. I just wanted to get this done and over with as soon as possible. I did as he said and transformed only to regret it seconds after. I was only wearing my Tshirt and some boxers.(CRINGE) I blushed and looked at Smile awkwardly, only to blush more. He was looking away from me blushing.

Honestly we must have sat there for at least 10 mins before I said something. "S-sorry." He looked at me but his blush was still there. He didn't say anything so I continued. "F-for um doing what I did." I looked down at my lap. "It's okay. I'm sorry I scared you." Smile whispered just loud enough for me to hear. I felt relief.

"But why did you sleep next to me?" He asked. Nope anxiety is back! Shite! What do I tell him?!? What CAN I tell him?!? "Well I was um." I took a deep breath. "There was a storm last night, a-and I-I got s-scared. You were asleep so I didn't want to wake you up to ask, but if I didn't sleep with someone then I wouldn't have gotten any sleep at all!" Finally I took a deep breath and panted slightly. I felt warmth spread through me as Smile leaned in and hugged me. Tears pricked at my eyes. "It's ok, Grinny you're my best friend. I would never judge you, no matter what." The tears fell and I hugged him back.

Smile rubbed my back with his hand making me yip. He stopped and pulled away. "Let's get those cuts cleaned up ok?" He said smiling at me. I wiped my eyes and nodded slowly. Then things got a bit awkward when he said,"Uh can you take off your shirt?" I didn't want to but I did as he said. He blushed looking up and down my torso. After a few moments he shook his head and wiped his mouth. I looked at him confused but just ignored it. Smile opened the small box and took out a small bottle and a cotton ball. I watched him with great interest. Smile smirked at me blushing a bit and picked me up setting me on his lap. I blushed since we were both only wearing boxers!(done with 'tis shit) Smile just laughed behind me and rubbed the alcohol cotton ball on my cuts. It stung a little but it was mostly just cold.

Tara's POV
I yawned and sat up, remembering the party last night I smiled and got out of bed. Of course life being life it had to turn a perfectly normal moment into me slipping on my bag. I fell to the ground and grabbed my bag. "Stupid thing why on earth was it over here? I could have sworn I put it..." I trailed off looking inside the bag to see a golden locket. I tilted my head in confusion. I felt my neck and rubbed the locket that was still there. I picked the locket up and turned it over, it read. 'Gratulerer med Dagon Tara' I was confused until I looked below it. "Happy Birthday Tara." I read it aloud. I was still confused. Who gave me this? Then I saw a note. I opened it carefully making sure not to rip it. It read,
Dear Tara,
I have finally found it,
Happy Birthday, I love you.
Love Tord
P.S. Come and find me lil sis, I'll be waiting for you.

I let out a shriek of happiness and started jumping up and down. "My brother knows I'm alive!!!" I heard loud footsteps and panting outside my door before Ben barged in. "What happened? Did someone die? Are you ok?" He asked still panting like crazy. "Yes Ben everything is ok! In fact it's better than ok!" I yelled. He rubbed his head and moaned. "Well at least you're having a good day. Jeff and I are still throwing up and we have headaches." I smiled sadly at him and walked over to him. I kissed him on the forehead and asked "Better?" He smiled. "Sure kid whatever you say." He said rubbing my head and walking out of the room. I smiled and plopped back onto my bed hugging the letter. "I'll find you Tord, don't worry." I whispered to myself softly.

1550 words of gibberish mostly cause I'm on drugs rn pain killers and sleeping pills. Ah great combination(*100 percent sarcasm)

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