Time to Celebrate!!!

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Bens POV
It's been almost a month since Tara fell into coma. Jeff and I have been at her side ever since, we normally don't talk to people,not even each other, but it's getting a little weird. I sometimes talk to EJ when he brings our food but Jeff doesn't. He doesn't eat either and it's starting to worry me. His unblinking gaze never leaves Tara. I can't stand to look at her though, she looks as if she's dead. Just thinking about Tara, my best friend besides Jeff, dead. I shiver at my thoughts and wipe away tears. I lean in close to Tara putting my forehead on hers beginning to sob. Tears roll down my face as I beg her to wake up, nothing. Trying to calm myself down has worked so many times before but now it wasn't helping. I sobbed into my hands, shaking wildly.

Suddenly I felt warm strong arms around me. I looked at Tara she was still out cold. "Jeff?" I asked. No reply. I looked over to see Jeff hugging me tightly. I was speechless. "I love you Ben." He mumbled into my shoulder. Tears filled my eyes, falling uncontrollably as I hugged him back. I hadn't heard those words from him in weeks. It was the first he'd spoke to anyone in weeks, 3 weeks to be exact. We stayed like this for a couple of minutes before Slendy walked in. We separated and Slendy sat between us. There was silence until it was broken by Tara's cries. She sat up and looked at Slendy, then started crying uncontrollably.

Tara's POV

I opened my eyes to see Ben, Jeff and Slendy starring at me speechlessly. As soon as I looked at Slendy, tears filled my eyes and I reached out to hug him. "I'm so sorry!" I yelled starting to cry. Slender man hugged me back. "Sorry for what?" He asked. I backed up and sniffled before I answered him. "I killed Jane! I'm a monster! Now everyone is going to hate me and I'll have to go back to having no friends!" I cried into my hands only to be hugged tightly by Ben. I stopped crying and hugged him back, crying once more but this time into his shoulder. He stroked his fingers through my hair calming me down. As I pulled away slowly he said "Thank you, for killing Jane." I frowned and curled my knees to my chest. "Don't remind me." Ben looked confused but he stood up and sat next to Jeff.

Slender came up to me next. "Tara, Jane deserved that and if you wouldn't have done what you did Ben and Jeff could have been killed. Jane would still be out there but she's not thanks to you." Ben chimed in "Yeah if you didn't come we'd be dead for sure, plus you were badass back there!" He added laughing a little. I smiled and laughed too. Jeff put his hand on my shoulder and looked down at me. I looked up at him with a smile. "Glad to have you back kid." He winked and made a clicking sound with his mouth. I laughed at him and he joined in.

Jeff stopped laughing and clutched his chest grunting and fell backwards. We all stopped laughing and turned to look at him. "Yo Jeff you ok babe?" Ben asked walking towards Jeff. Jeff took a step back away from Ben and nodded before walking out the door of my room. We were all confused but one of us was more concerned than the others, of course it was Ben. He looked back at me and said "Come down stairs when you're ready." He said rushing out the door and slamming it behind him. Slender got up and handed me some clothes before walking out the door too.

Jeff's POV
I ran out of the room and into the bathroom. I locked the door quickly and rushed to the sink. Throwing my head forward vomit shot out of my mouth. I choked and coughed between spasms and waves of vomiting. It lasted for what felt like an hour. When I stopped I stood and shivered, trying to catch my breath. I washed out my mouth and walked out of the bathroom like nothing had happened.

Still a little dizzy I walked to the kitchen. EJ was there making food for the party we were throwing to celebrate Janes death. 'God that food smells good.' I thought wiping my mouth so I wouldn't drool. EJ turned around and some how he knew I was there. "Hey Jeff, hungry?" I nodded. "Yeah." My stomach ached, I needed food, now! EJ handed me a slice of pizza. "Thanks." I said going to take the plate. Before I did I felt pains in my stomach again. "Oh no." I whispered. Apparently EJ heard me, "Are you ok?" He asked. I took a step back and stuttered "Y-yeah I'm-" my stomach growled loudly cutting me off. I ran to the kitchen sink, throwing my head over the edge of it. I coughed as vomit spilled out of my mouth. My body shook and trembled, I needed air but I couldn't stop.

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