Revenge BITCH!

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Jeff's POV
I couldn't do it, I couldn't leave Ben, it was too hard because I love him too much. We've needed therapy less and less over the past few weeks. We still hang out with Tara a lot though. Jane is gone and Liu is, well, he's Liu. Ben and I are still keeping an eye on him at all times though. Just to make sure he doesn't have any plans to kill us. Surprisingly he doesn't even look at us anymore. Every time Ben and I kiss I swear I see Lius eyes getting a little teary. It makes me smile. To know that Ben is mine and Liu knows it,it's just a really good feeling I suppose. Ben and I are happy now and I realized that without Ben, I don't really serve a purpose. I'm glad that he's happy, I just wish this could last forever but I know someone is going to screw it up. Besides that I try to think more positively about things.

Masky and Toby are a thing now even though they won't admit it, I saw them kiss once. It's cool and I think that Masky can help Toby with his insomnia.Ever since they got back from the hospital none of us have been woken up by blood curtailing screams. I know it's because they sleep together, but I won't tell, I'll let them tell us when they're ready.

It's almost Halloween, the night we all go on a killing spree. All except for LJ of course,he passes out candy and laughs all night like the psycho he is. 'Weirdo' I think to myself. This is Ben's first year in 7 years since he's celebrated Halloween, I plan on making it the best night of his life.

Tara's POV

I sharpened and heated my knife with the blow torch. By the time I stopped it was over 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit. I smiled as I gazed down at my beautiful creation. Walking into the living room I saw Jeff and a very flustered and embarrassed Ben. "Ben, you wanna hear a pick up line I made for you?" I heard Jeff ask. "Jeff please don't just stop." Was Ben's reply, he clearly was uncomfortable. "I'll stop when you start letting me fuck you." He replied seductively. I stopped and stared at the two of them. Ben shoved his head in a pillow and yelled. "Hey Ben, are you my pinky toe? Cause I'm going to bang your on every piece of furniture."Jeff said smirking. Bens head shot up and he saw me. "T-t-Tara! W-what are you doing here? I thought you were gone!" I shook my head and walked outside into the back yard heading into the forest. After going a mile or two deep into the forest I stopped and waited. Finally I got bored after an hour of waiting and sighed, heading back to the house.

When I got back the first thing I saw was Ben and Jeff shaking on the tile floor and Jane standing between them. She held her knife up to Jeff's throat and slit it slowly. Tears ran down his face in streams. I looked at Ben in horror as he shook and quivered. He was watching it happen but he could do nothing.

Ben's hands were tied behind his back and his ankles were tied up too. He had a cloth wrapped around his mouth muffling his cries and screams. I looked back to Jeff to see his eyes widening as each spasm went through his body. My blood was boiling with anger I clenched my fist, gritting my teeth. "Can't you just leave them the fuck alone!?" I yelled at Jane, she turned and glared at me angrily.

Sliding out my still burning hot glowing knife I slashed her arm with it. Jane screamed and fell to her knees. "Burns don't it bitch?" I said smirking and glaring at her.She smiled up at me stabbing me in the leg with her knife, I screamed in agony then looked down at her. Tears in my eyes, I jabbed the hot knife into her back. She threw her head back screaming and ripped the knife out of my leg. I took this opportunity to jab my knife into her stomach. She screamed in agony and glared up at me, she chucked her knife at my head but I moved making it slice my cheek a little. I glared at her and shoved the knife deeper and deeper until it ripped through. Jane stopped screaming and fell silent. "Since I'm feeling really nice today I'll make you a deal."I ripped the knife free from her torso and angled it ready to strike again. To end it all. "If you agree to play nice I'll let you live, if not, you DIE!" I said the last bit in my demon voice. She fell to the floor. "I would rather die than play nice any day!" She yelled. I shrugged. "Ok." I jabbed the knife into her heart ripping it out of her chest. Her eyes glazed over one last time as she took her final breath. I smiled at her and said "Go to Sleep Jane." I whispered.

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