Heaven Awakening Part 2

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Chapter 2:

Good news and bad news. Good news is that summer's here and my mood is happy,happy,happy! Bad news is that Josh and has went to Canada for a few days and mother has taken extra shifts at work, i think it's because she doesn't want to spend 'mother-daughter' time with me, yeah that's why.

But i'm not going to ruin my mood. I like being alone, it's peaceful. i'm not a LONER, if you are thinking that. It's just because i don't want to listen to who chipped a nail during cheerleading tryouts or what party did they go to. Here's an example that happened last year, in the lunch hall. Let's call them A and B.

'Hey, A' B said.

'Hi, B' A replied.

'Did you see what Cinder was wearing today? Plaids and mini- shorts that make your huge thighs even huger? Not cool!' A said.

' Yeah, and did you see what she wore to Darren's party day before yesterday? A long, long TIGHT dress that shows the BULGING TUMMY YOU HAVE? LOL!' B laughed.

'HEEHAW!' A laughed.

I was too annoyed to listen to the rest. The same thing happened 3 weeks ago when two girls where trying which of the two nail polish colors looked better. The colors were both the SAME! Annoying! I am just going to go to the store and rent a movie.

While Nikita was driving, she saw a gangster type guy knocking on a girl's house. The girl opened the door and asked what did he want and he took her out and started beating her up. Nikita got out of the car and ran quickly to the guy and started beating him up. The girl thanked her and Nikita went to the car. While Nikita was walking, she thought, ' How could I have ran so fast when i am actually very slow?


Thats Chapter 2. Chapter 3 will come out soon. Please vote, comment and tell your friends and fans. I Iike reading your comments!

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