Heaven Awakening Part 12

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Chapter 12:

Alana's POV:

I slided down onto the floor, tears filling my eyes. Some ass has kidnapped my dad! I was lying on the floor until I heard a buzz coming from my phone. It was a text.

''Dear Alana sweetie,

Your father has been captured because he hasn't returned our moneys, see? Just go to wherever your daddy keeps his moneys, take out 50,000 dollars, pack your suitcase, go to the airport and fly to Italy. There will a taxi waiting outsides the airports, see? Then tell him to go to the Old Warehouse, I will wait there with your daddy. And if you have little friends who want to come to see your daddy they can come too. Just come as fast as you can, see?

Bye, Bye. Bichel (Biggs) Matuski. ''

I got to call Nikita and Zack.


'Nikita, it's me. I need you and Zack to pack your suitcases and meet me at my house. Please hurry. I will explain later.Bye.'

'Ok, bye.'

I went to my dad's room and searched everywhere for where he kept all the money for my college fund. I looked In the closet and saw a big safe. I tried unlocking it with the house key, didn't work. I was wearing stilettos, so I decide to try to unlock the safe with it. It worked! Okay, no time to cheer. I took out 50,000 dollars and went to my room. I took out my suitcase, dumped the money in it, put clothes and shoes over that. I closed it and waited for Nikita and Zack. I heard the doorbell ring. It was them.

'Thank god you came!' I said, hugging them both. 'My dad has been kidnapped and we have to go. I got this text.' I showed them the text.

'Then what are we doing reading this text? Let's go!' Nikita said, going to the elevators. We went to the lobby and got a taxi to the airport. I had booked the tickets already, so we boarded the flight and it was a long time. We got off the plane when it landed. I saw the taxi in front of the airport. We went into it and I told him where to go. We were waiting for the taxi to hurry up, until we finally reached the warehouse. I felt my stomach churn. I was very nervous. Nikita looked fine, Zack looked fine too. I was the only scaredy cat.

We went into the warehouse. It was pitch black and big and there was a single light shining on my dad tied up to a chair, a cloth on his eyes and mouth. I ran to him screaming 'DAD!' When I finally reached him, there were two arms which came in front of me.

'You can't touch him, sweetie.' I heard both of the guys laugh.

'What do you mean? Where's Bichel?' I said, looking around the pitch black room.

'Right here, Alana sweetie.' I heard an Italian accent. I turned around and saw him. He had a 5'o clock shadow on his fat face, brown eyes, and a disgusting smile I wanted to wipe off him. He was wearing a raincoat, Italian shoes, black slacks, a pinstriped shirt and a fedora hat. He looked like one of the Mafias.

'Who are you and why do you want money?' Nikita asked, coming forward with Zack.

'We, baby, are the Italian Mafia. Alana sweetie's daddy here took 50,000 dollars from me and didn't return it. So we tracked him down, kidnapped him, brought him here and you came along. Why don't you ask her daddy why he took that much money from us? Hey, remove the cloths.' He ordered. They took his eye and mouth cloth off and he looked at me with such shame.

'Dad, why did you need that money?' I asked.

'Because you were pregnant and I wanted the money so when you were due I didn't need to worry. I am sorry.' He said, looking down. Bichel started laughing.

'Pregnant? Who banged you up? Your daddy?' he continued laughing. I went to him and said,

'My dad would never 'bang' me. Someone wanted to have experience so he drugged me and 'banged' me. If you want to know his name its Zeke.' I said, crossing my arms.

'Zeke? He's my boy! ZEKE! COME HERE!' He screamed. I saw that ass again. He looked at me and came towards me. He was smiling. Ass.

'Zeke. You banged this girl up? Good boy!' he said, hugging him. I got really mad and slapped Bichel. He looked pretty mad.

'OPEN THE LIGHTS! Get ready for pain!' he laughed. The lights go on and I saw these chains nailed against the wall and there were these men with bottles around them and in their hands. They smirked at Nikita and Zack. Oh no.

--Nikita's POV-

These goons looked at me and Zack, smiling. What's their problem? Then Bichel said,

'Nikita baby and Zacky boy, take off your clothes and go up there and lock the chains. NOW!' He said, gesturing us to go. We had no choice. We went to the boys and they ripped off my clothes. I was standing there in my undergarments. Zack was in his boxers. We went up to the chains and they locked us up. Then they took the bottles in their hands and threw them at us. I felt a sharp pain in my leg. I screamed. I looked at Zack he was bleeding in the face.

'NOOO!' I heard Alana scream. They taking her in to another room.

'Alana!' I screamed, tryingto ease the pain.

'This I going to be fun.' The two guys said. They threw the bottles at us repeatedly.

-Alana's POV-

I was taken into a pitch black room and I was left there. Suddenly, I felt water drops. I must be in a bathroom. I felt hands on me.

'It's been a while, hasn't it Alana?'


CLIFFHANGER! HA! I am just testing your patience! Im uploading soon!

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