chapter 2

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Dean looked up as a car sped by and showered him in flurries of snow and slush all over him and the sidewalk. He growled and flicked his ears, dislodging the snow from them. He continued to walk then, as he passed by an alleyway, he smelled something intriguing. The scent was new to him yet familiar at the same time, and the sweet scent was also mixed with a tinge of pain and fear. He stopped in his tracks and looked into the alleyway a little bit. He didn't see anything. 

"Hello?" he asked knowing that probably sounded stupid. But his ears picked up a faint whimper. Knowing someone was hurt he walked into the alleyway looking around for the hurt omega. 


Sam first smelled the strong scent of alpha coming closer to where he was hidden. Spooked by this he tried to push himself closer to the wall and into the shadows. He groaned as he moved, the pain from what he was beginning to believe were broken ribs. Lucifer...... he thought. The Alphas scent got stronger and Sam's ears pricked up at the sound of steady footfalls coming even closer to him, and he closed his eyes hoping to vanish into the darkest corner.


Dean hears the groan and comes to the conclusion that he has to act fast. Someone was hurt, and maybe immobile. He walked farther when he saw him, the guy was shirtless and there was a good size purple blue bruise on his side close to his ribs. He had shoulder length hair and a pair of threadbare jeans. 

"Hey you alright?" Dean asked looking at the omega and crouching a few feet away. The omegas ears pricked and he shivers but other than that he gives no response to Deans questions. Dean feels a surge of protectiveness and he moves a little closer. "Hey, I'm not gonna hurt you I know we alphas can be a bit intimidating....But I promise I'm not gonna hurt you."

The man looked up. Dean noticed his hazel eyes were red from tears. "Promise?" the man asks softly in a broken voice.

"Yeah" Dean pulls off his jacket and holds it out to the omega. "Put this on or you're gonna freeze." 

The omega reaches out cautiously, mussels stiff and ready to make an escape. He takes the jacket and winces as he moves, groaning at the pain in his side. "Thanks..."

"So what's your name? I'm Dean." Dean says. He shivers as the cold wind cuts through his thin clothes.

The omega shivered a bit..." S-Samuel.... or sam.....or bitch....or whore....... anything along those lines will do....."

Dean grimaces. "Well I'm only gonna call you one of those. How about I call you Sam."



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