chapter 5

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"Don't worry you'll never have to do it again," Dean tells him realizing that Sam was talking about past miscarriages. Dean reaches and grabs a tissue box and hands a tissue to Sam, all the while whispering soothingly. Sam was shaking and Dean was worried that he was gonna have a panic attack. "Easy now, just breathe slowly...."

Sam nodded and started breathing slower and he looked up, "Sorry...."

"Sam it's okay, no need to say sorry.  That is something to cry about, its okay..."

Sam nodded and looked up and reached for his mug of cocoa. He picked it up. "I've- I've never opened up like this to anyone before....."

"Well I am listening so you can talk to me." Dean says softly eager to learn more about the omega and maybe be able to help him somehow.

"You don't wanna hear my life story." Sam says.

"If it helps you get it off your shoulders I'm here to listen....." Dean reassured.


"Okay." Sam nods. He sits back and looks over at Dean. "I was 11 when I was taken from my mom............our house was raided basically, easiest way to put it. Omega Traffickers........they....they killed her right in front of me..."

"Damn......Sam if you don't wanna talk about it please understand that you don't have to talk about it." Dean says softy putting his hand on Sams shoulder but Sam flinched again and Dean stopped.

"No... Wanna get it off my chest." Sam says. "and that was the beginning of it all. Lost my mom, never knew my dad.  I was taken to a shelter and...and forced to do things....the early years were the worst. Then they got a bit better when I was able to escape.  Then I was taken in by an alpha called  Zechariah, I was 20 so that was four years ago.... I was stuck with him and this other omega. I think his name was Adam......"


"Adam!" Dean asked almost excitedly, his heart skipped a bit. "What did he look like?"

Sam looked at him quizically. "Why??"

"I- its a long story..........I lost my brother when I was 16. My dad sold him to some alpha he was only 10." Dean says slowly. "Never saw him again but I've never given up hope that one day I'd find him again..."

"I-Im sorry that must have been awful......"


"You've got to get out." Dean was saying to Adam as he tried to keep his alpha senses under control as his brother had gone into full on heat.

"No-no you can't help-"

Just then the door burst open and John barged in growling, their mother was gollowing him, crying and pulling at Johns shirt, trying to pull him back.

"NO YOU CAN'T DON'T PLEASE HE'S JUST A BOY JOHN!!!!!"  She was sobbing.

Dean got in front of Adam and growled at his father. "GET AWAY FROM HIM DAD!!!"

A scuffle followed and Dean just remembered John pushing his mom to the floor then hitting him and  grabbing Adam. Then the car driving away and never seeing his brother again......

  ~~~~~~~~~~~~end flashback~~~~~~~~~~~~  

"Yeah it was awful....So what did he look like....???" Dean asked again.

Sam furrowed his brows. "Tall.....short dirty blond hair and really blue eyes..." He looked at Dean and examined him. "Come to think about it he really looked like you except the eyes, and a more stern look..."

"That's him..." Dean says softly. He smiles. There still was hope in the world after all.

"Glad I could help........" Sam says softy then yawns. 

"Let's get you fresh clothes, the pizza will be here soon." Dean says and helps Sam up.


After Sam was all dressed,  the pizza came and to Deans surprise he ate almost a whole pie, then fell asleep on the couch. Dean covered him again with the blanket and then called his best friend, Castiel, to check the records of an Alpha named Zechariah and an omega named Adam. Then Dean went to his room and fell asleep.

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