Time for Training

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Princess Sofia was not only the storykeeper of the Secret Library but a Protector of the Ever Realm. She was made a Protector by the Protectors of the Mystic Isles—and she wasn't going to be the only Protector of the Ever Realm anymore.

During her first adventure in the Mystic Isles, she and her older stepsister Amber encountered Prisma, who was a Crystalmaster. She claimed that her sister Azurine took away her Terra Crystal and was going to cover the Mystic Isles with magic crystals. But then Sofia found out at the last minute that Prisma may have lied, and she told Amber not to give Prisma the Crystal, but Amber wanted a magic amulet so badly that she didn't listen. When Prisma got her Terra Crystal back, she revealed herself to be the real wicked Crystalmaster. She was very jealous of Azurine because she was the greatest Crystalmaster in the Mystic Isles, and everyone said that Prisma herself was a subpar Crystalmaster. Prisma felt overshadowed, and she wanted to be known as the best Crystalmaster in the Isles. Sofia captured Prisma and turned her in to the Protectors of the Mystic Isles, who invited the princess to be a Protector of the Ever Realm.

Recently, Prisma returned, but history repeated itself for her—and all because of Sofia's best friend, Prince Hugo. Prisma tried to strike Sofia down, but Hugo offered to sacrifice his life for her only for Sofia to put her amulet on him to save his life. Prisma nearly struck him down, but the Amulet saved his life by pulling him inside it. Sofia managed to get Prisma's wand by tricking her into believing her fancy new wand was more powerful. On the Isle of Rescue, Sofia freed Hugo from the Amulet. With the help of two members of the rescue squad at the Park of Rainbow Tigers, Sofia and Hugo defeated Prisma. Because Hugo's near self-sacrifice made it easy to stop Prisma, he was invited to be a Protector of the Ever Realm alongside Sofia.

It was almost time for Hugo to start training to be a Protector and earn his Enchantlet. Sofia's Protector trainer, Chrysta, was going to train him alongside Sofia.

In the Mystic Isles, Orion, Vega, and Chrysta were talking. They knew that Hugo was just as brave as Sofia—and the time has come to start training.

"Well, today is the big day—Sofia and I are going to train her boyfriend to get his Enchantlet," Chrysta smiled. "I'll take it easy on him, unlike the way I was when I trained Sofia to get her Enchantlet."

"Good to hear, Chrysta," Orion smiled.

A devilishly handsome crystal fairy who was also a Protector peeked over Chrysta's shoulder to see a picture of Hugo and Sofia. Seeing this charming prince made the male fairy jealous. "This prince is going to be a Protector?" he asked. "He'd certainly be a fair Protector—by that, I mean charming."

"Prince Hugo might be the only male Protector of the Ever Realm, but he will be the most handsome Ever Realm," Vega smiled.

"Why do we need Prince Charming as a protector when you already have a charming Protector like me?" the male fairy boasted.

The other Protectors were sensing that the male crystal fairy was jealous of Hugo for being charming and handsome.

"Now, Cody, Prince Hugo will be the most charming Protector of the Ever Realm—even if he and Princess Sofia are the only Protectors in that world—but you'll still be the most charming Protector of the Mystic Isles," Chrysta told him.

"Thank you, Chrysta, but I'd best tag along with you while you and that princess train him," Cody insisted.

"Is that even allowed?" Chrysta asked.

"Well, so long as Cody doesn't interfere with the training, it'll be okay," Vega declared.

"Okay, let's go to Enchancia to pick up Sofia, before we get Hugo," Chrysta said.

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