Ready to Train

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In Enchancia, Sofia was about to hitch a ride on Minimus when Skye came flying down. Minimus is Sofia's steed in the Ever Realm, while Skye is her steed in the Mystic Isles.

"Hi, Skye, how are you?" Minimus asked.

"Just fine, my good horse," Skye smiled.

"There you are, Princess," Chrysta smiled.

"Hi, Chrysta, is it time for more protector training?" Sofia asked.

"Today, we're going to train Prince Hugo to earn his Enchantlet," Chrysta smiled. "You know what we need to do."

"Take Hugo to the Isle of Forever Frost?" Sofia asked.

"That's right," Chrysta smiled. "Before I forget, this is Cody. He's a Protector of the Mystic Isles."

"The most charming Protector of the Mystic Isles, thank you very much," Cody corrected her.

"Anyway, he offered to accompany us as we train Hugo today," Chrysta said.

"Okay, well, we only have until sunset, so let's get moving," Sofia said.

"Oh, I'm sure we have plenty of time—there's no rush," Cody shrugged. The truth is, he didn't want Hugo to become a Protector because it would mean losing his title as being the most charming Protector.

"Cody, it's already 11:45—we need to start training him now," Sofia frowned.

"Very well," Cody said.

Sofia flicked her wrist, and her WhichWay Bow appeared. She pulled the string back, and a magical arrow appeared, and she told her bow, "Show us the way to Albuquerque Palace." The arrow showed the way to Albuquerque, and the group followed the arrow.

At Albuquerque Palace, Hugo and his older brother, Axel, had just finished cleaning their room. Suddenly, Axel's friends, Princes Henry and Miles, had arrived.

"Hey, buddy," Henry smiled.

"Hi, there," Axel waved. He turned to Hugo and asked, "Hey, baby bro, wanna join us?"

Before Hugo could answer, their father King Garrick came in and said, "Hugo, you have company."

"I guess I can join you another time, Ax," Hugo said. He got up and went with his father.

Garrick took his youngest son to the parlor, where Sofia, Chrysta, and Cody were waiting.

"Hi, Sofia, Chrysta," Hugo waved.

"And this is Cody," Chrysta said.

"So you're the prince Chrysta and the princess will be training," Cody said.

"Is it time to train?" Hugo asked.

"Today you're going to earn your Enchantlet," Sofia told him. "We only have until sunset, so if you don't get your Enchantlet before then, you can't be a Protector."

"Okay," Hugo smiled.

"By the way, Cody is actually going to accompany us," Chrysta said.

"One more thing: since we're Ever Realmers and we don't fly, we each need our own steeds," Sofia said. "Skye is my steed for the Mystic Isles, so you'll need a steed too."

"Can I take Electra?" Hugo asked.

"Sure," Sofia smiled.

As soon as Hugo got his flying horse Electra, he, Sofia, and the crystal fairies flew off to the Mystic Isles.

Sofia the First: The Protector PrinceKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat