Mission Accomplished

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Meanwhile, up on the cave, Cody faced the baronga. "Okay, big guy, time to...," he said.

But then Cody realized that he didn't bring the calming collar with him. Now he was in big trouble. The baronga charged at him and breahted fire. Cody didn' didn't know what to do. Suddenly, Sofia and Hugo came flying in on Windy with Chrysta by their side.

"Cody!" Sofia called.

"Hold on!" Hugo called. He climbed up on a rock, and when the baronga charged at Cody, Hugo jumped on the cat and put the calming collar on—and then the big cat calmed down.

"Great job, Hugo," Sofia smiled.

"Thank you ever so much," Cody smiled. "Did I just see you ride an Articondor?"

"You sure did," Hugo smiled.

Suddenly, Sofia exclaimed, "Hugo, the sun hasn't set yet. There's still time to get your Enchanlet."

The crystal fairies led the royals to some walls where many Enchantlets were in.

"Remember, Hugo, your Enchantlet will pick you," Sofia said. "All you have to do is hold your wrist above the Enchantlets until yours comes to you."

Hugo waved his wrist over the Enchantlets, and finally, a royal blue one flew right out and onto his wrist. Now that Hugo has his Enchantlet, he's officially a Protector of the Ever Realm.

"I got my Enchantlet!" Hugo beamed.

"Now we're both Protectors of the Ever Realm," Sofia smiled.

"Good for both of you," Cody smiled.

As the quartet walked out of the cave, Cody said, "Hugo, I'm so sorry for the way I was today."

"It's okay," Hugo smiled. "We'll just keep it between all four of us."

"I'm on board with that idea," Sofia smiled. "This is only the beginning of your training."

"Now I can train both of you," Chrysta smiled.

"Great," Sofia smiled. "What do you say we get this baronga back where he belongs?"

"Sure," Cody smiled.

"This big guy sure is a handful," Hugo remarked.

"Count your blessings, Hugo—this baronga is only a kitten," Cody said.

"Just a kitten?" Hugo gasped. "If he's a kitten, I would hate to see a full-grown one."

"Okay, Hugo, get ready," Sofia declared. "Flick your wrist and whirl it like a lasso."

Hugo flicked his wrist, and a lasso appeared from his Enchantlet. He whirled the lasso as fast as he could, and he roped the baronga. Then he and Sofia jumped on the cat, and they slid down the mountain. This had been a very exciting day for Hugo and Sofia.

That night, in Albuquerque Palace, Hugo told his family about his day.

"Aside from Sofia, it's not every day you see a Protector of the Ever Realm," Axel smiled.

"Whatever I have to do as a Protector, I'll be ready for it," Hugo smiled.

It had been a fun day for Hugo, running into a baronga and Articondor and getting his Enchantlet. An important lesson was learned: true beauty comes from within. Hugo and Sofia wished Cinderella's and Snow White's stepfamilies knew that.

Sofia the First: The Protector PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now