Cody Interferes (Secretly)

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Soon, the group made it to an Isle where it's cold and snowy.

"This is the Isle of Forever Frost," Sofia said.

"The Glazing Glacier is where all Enchantlets of the Mystic Isles are, and we're going to train you to get there," Chrysta said. "The first thing you're going to learn is Feather-Walking."

"You need to walk lightly on top of the snow," Sofia said. She demonstrated how to feather-walk. "You need to control your leg muscles. You can feather-walk on snow and ice."

"Well, as a prince who lives in a kingdom where it's cold and snowy all year along, I think I can get the hang of it," Hugo smiled.

"That's the spirit, boy," Chrysta smiled.

Hugo tried feather-walking, and he already got the hang of it.

"Wow, you're doing a better job than I did on my first try," Sofia noted.

"Well, I spend most of my time outside, playing in the snow," Hugo revealed.

"Good to know," Chrysta smiled.

Cody glared jealously at the charming young prince. He didn't want Hugo to be the most charming Protector. He thought if he could sabotage Hugo's chance to get his Enchantlet, Hugo wouldn't become a Protector. That way, Cody could still be the fairest Protector of the Mystic Isles. When nobody was looking, Cody magically put a tiny anvil on Hugo's arm. This tiny little anvil will magically make Hugo heavy enough to fall in the snow. Just like that, Hugo sank into the snow.

"Whoa, how did that happen?" Hugo gasped.

"Has this happened to you before?" Sofia asked.

"Not really," Hugo said, getting up. But then he sank into the snow again.

Suddenly, Chrysta saw the tiny anvil tied to Hugo's arm. "Why do you have this little thingy on you?" she asked. She removed the little anvil from Hugo's arm, but the anvil was so heavy that she could hardly pick it up.

"Where'd that come from?" Hugo frowned.

"Wow, this Isle is even trickier than when I first came here," Sofia remarked.

"Not really, Sofia," Chrysta told her. She turned to Hugo and said, "Carry on, boy."

Hugo continued feather-walking. Cody wasn't happy that the girls had foiled his plan. He needed to think of a different way to ruin Hugo's training.

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