The Baronga

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Pretty soon, the group came across a sleeping baronga.

"That's a baronga," Sofia told Hugo. "When Chrysta trained me to get my Enchantlet, I had to wrangle this big guy. You see how calm he is?"

"Yes, is that how all barongas are?" Hugo asked.

"No, that collar he's wearing is a calming collar," Sofia told him. "He'll remain calm so long as the collar is on, but you take it off, he'll be ferocious."

"This is your next part of training, so you'd better brace yourself," Chrysta warned him.

"I'm ready," Hugo said.

Sofia gently removed the calming collar from the baronga, and the cat became ferocious. He let a flame out of his mouth and started running all around. Hugo climbed up a tree and jumped onto the baronga. The cat ran all over the place and bucked with Hugo on his back.

"Here's the collar," Sofia called, tossing the collar to Hugo.

Cody was amused by how Hugo is handling the baronga. The baronga bucked Hugo off his back. Hugo was surprised by how boisterous this cat was, but he wasn't ready to give up just yet.

"Okay, big guy, brace yourself," Hugo glared at the ferocious beast.

Cody was surprised at how confident the prince was, and he wasn't going to let Hugo pass this part of his training. Before Hugo knew it, he found himself flying in the air, and the baronga ran off.

"What was that?" Sofia asked.

"I don't know," Hugo frowned. "Oh, the baronga escaped."

"We'll run into him again, boy," Cody said, pretending to not know why Hugo failed.

"He's right—the baronga escaped when I first did this, and I ran into him in the cave atop of the Glazing Glacier," Sofia recalled.

"Okay," Hugo nodded. He went back to feather-walking.

Cody was pleased that Hugo had failed, but he wasn't going to let Hugo run into the baronga again.

Sofia the First: The Protector Princeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن