Have I Failed?/Busted

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Pretty soon, the group made it to the Glazing Glacier.

"There it is: the Glazing Glacier," Sofia smiled.

"You're going to climb up the mountain to the entrance of the cave guarded by the Articondors," Chrysta said. "Their job is to guard the cave where the Enchantlets are."

"When I did this, I put that calming collar on one of the Articondors, and I saved their son from the baronga," Sofia declared. "They decided to thank me by just letting me into the cave to get my Enchantlet."

"Do you think this collar will be their weakness?" Hugo asked.

"There's a chance," Sofia shrugged. "Okay, you have no time to lose."

"Right," Hugo nodded.

Hugo started to climb up the mountain, and it impressed the girls but not Cody. "He's quite the climber," he noted.

"Probably from spending most of his time hiking," Sofia surmised.

Cody knew that if Hugo got to the top and went past those Articondors, he would get his Enchantlet and become a Protector. Then Cody wouldn't be the most charming Protector anymore. He had to stop Hugo from getting his Enchantlet, so he flew up to the top of the Glazing Glacier.

In no time, Hugo reached the top of the Glazing Glacier, where he faced the Articondors. The Articondors roared when they saw the prince. Remembering what Sofia said, Hugo held up the calming collar.

"Don't make me use this!" Hugo threatened.

Seeing the prince hold up the collar frightened the Articondors. "Hold on, Hail!" Windy, the pink-nosed Articondor, gasped. "That little guy has a calming collar."

"Didn't we meet someone who used one on us?" Hail asked. He was the blue-nosed Articondor.

"Yes, and if we attack him, he'll get us with that, too," Windy surmised.

"Don't worry—I won't use it on you," Hugo said. "Just don't threaten my life."

"Well, we'll take it easy on you as long as you keep that thing off us," Windy told him.

"Thank you," Hugo smiled.

When nobody was looking, Cody flew into the cave and found the baronga.

Hugo saw that a smaller Articondor with a pink nose had his leg stuck. "Isn't that your kid?" Hugo pointed out.

The Articondors turned and saw that the little one was stuck.

"Stormy! What happened?" Windy gasped.

"I followed a baronga into the cave, and suddenly, a crystal fairy flew in and tied my leg up," Stormy replied.

"A crystal fairy?" Hugo frowned. "I was just with two crystal fairies today." He untied Stormy's leg.

"Thank you," Stormy smiled.

"Thank you, milord," Hail smiled. "We certainly owe you one."

"You can get your Enchantlet—we'll call it even," Windy chimed in.

"Oh, I should probably still take care of the...," Hugo started to say. But then he shrieked when he saw the...


The baronga came out of the cave and growled, releasing fire from his mouth. The Articondors flew off, and the path was destroyed. Hugo fell from the mountain and landed by Sofia and Chrysta.

"Hugo, what happened?" Sofia gasped.

"Did you get that Enchantlet?" Chrysta asked.

"No, the Articondors saw me with the calming collar, and I saved Stormy when he got his leg tied up," Hugo explained. "Then the baronga came out and destroyed the path—and so here I am."

Cody came flying down, satisfied with what he did. "Perfect!" he cackled. "I totally ruined Prince Hugo's chance to get his Enchantlet! Now I will still be the most charming Protector in the Mystic Isles!"

"WHAT?!" Hugo's angry voice rang out.

Cody realized that Hugo, Chrysta, and Sofia, had listened to what he was telling himself.

"Cody, you did all of this on purpose, so Hugo couldn't be a Protector?" Sofia glared.

"I should've known you'd cause trouble because you were jealous of Prince Hugo from the start!" Chrysta growled.

"Jealous of me? Why?" Hugo asked.

"He didn't want Hugo to be a Protector because it meant he wouldn't be the most charming Protector anymore," Chrysta told him and Sofia.

"This is all because you wanted to be better-looking than all the other Protectors?" Hugo asked. "You know, what, Cody? You may be good-looking on the outside, but what about the inside of you?"

"Hugo is right, and who knows what the other Protectors will think of you when they find out what you did?" Sofia chimed in.

Hearing those words shattered Cody's heart. When the other Protectors find out that he sabotaged a trainee's chance to get his Enchantlet, he would be stripped of his honor as one. "You're right—I was so busy worrying about myself that I didn't want someone else to have the same honor all because I wanted to look better than everyone else," he sighed. "I'm sorry, Hugo. I'll make this up to you—I'm going to wrangle that baronga for you." He flew up to the Glacier.

But just as Cody left, Hugo realized there was something seriously wrong. "Cody, wait!" he called. "You forgot the collar!"

"Oh, Cody is in no less trouble now," Chrysta gulped.

Hugo saw the Articondors flying above. "Maybe the Articondors can help us," he suggested.

Sofia the First: The Protector PrinceNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ