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The next morning, the door was slammed open, banging into the wall ever so slightly, as an overly enthusiastic man flicked on the light switch just beside the big door to their room. "Time to get up!" He chirped, leaning on the door frame, his eyes scanning the two sleeping males.

Jungkook let out a quiet groan before his eyes fluttered open. He was greeted with the blinding light and immediately regretted his decision as he raised an arm and draped it over his eyes. The man that was leaning in the doorway seemed displeased with this as he took a few long strides over to the teen's bed, tapping his arm gently.

"You're new, right?" He asked, causing Jungkook to remove his arm from his eyes and sit up, leaning on his elbows. He nodded slowly, eyes beginning to adjust to the sudden light. The man in front of him smiled wide and held out a hand. "Ah, well hello! I'm Jung Hoseok I'm working first shift today, so you'll have to deal with me until it's over." He chuckled quietly as the boy on the bed took his hand and shook it gently. When they pulled back, Hoseok seemed expectant.

Jungkook cocked his head, brows furrowing before he realized what he forgot to do. "Oh! I'm sorry- I'm Jeon Jungkook." He stated, only mildly embarrassed for having made a silly mistake so early in the day. The ginger in front of him merely smiled once more and stood up straight, crossing his arms casually.

"It's nice to meet you." He stated before tapping his fingers on his forearm, gaze drifting behind him to the blonde boy who was seemingly still asleep. "Ah...Yoongi.." He mumbled, chuckling quietly, before turning back to Jungkook. "I would recommend getting a shower now, before I get him up. He tends to take quite a long time." Hoseok suggested, a sheepish grin making it's way onto his lips permanently. "Anywho- I'll be back in a bit to get this one up." With that, the other male gave a small wave and exited the room, leaving the door open a crack.

Jungkook stared at the door for a few seconds before his gaze fell upon the sleeping boy across from him. He stared for longer than he probably should have, and before he knew it, Yoongi was beginning to stir just the littlest bit. The teen snapped out of his empty mindset and immediately stood, tossing the blanket he was given onto the bed and grabbing a set of clothes from the drawer he had put his belongings in the night before. He headed into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.


Jungkook found that flipping the lightswitch that was homed right above the sink only resulted in a soft humming noise and a flickering overcast to fill the small room. He sighed and pursed his lips, slightly disappointed that it was so... depressing.

He rested the palms of his hands on either side of the white sink and looked into the metal mirror- why it wasn't glass, he wasn't sure. Precaution. He thought to himself, an annoyed look gracing his features. He studied his face in the metal and sighed quietly, running his finger over the bruise on his cheek before he began rubbing the cut on his other cheek gently. He felt tears rise in his eyes, but he swallowed harshly, and took a deep breath to calm himself.

Jungkook rested his stack of clothes on a pile of folded, white towels that, he noted, looked very tiny. Shaking his head, he began to strip, sliding his grey sweatpants and boxers from the day before down his legs and stepping out of them. He then pulled his shirt off and noticed the bruise around his wrist from his mother's grip. He gulped and his eyes trailed further up his arms before they fell onto his stomach, showing the several deep scars that rested there. His head shot up to look at the shower, biting back tears as he turned the water on.


The warm water running over his skin felt so refreshing, and part of him didn't even want to exit the shower, but a soft knocking on the bathroom door made him think otherwise. He shut the water off and stepped out of the shower, hands reaching out and grabbing one of the tiny towels from the stack. He wrapped it around his waist, and was surprised that it still managed to cover him quite well, despite it's size. He grabbed one more of the crappy white towels and began drying off his hair before he grabbed his clothes- both clean and dirty- and exited the bathroom, shooting a small smile to a sleepy looking Yoongi who stood right outside the door, clothes in his hands.

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