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Jungkook tapped his thigh gently, eyes trained on the entrance to the room. Yoongi would be there any minute and he did not intend to miss him. Judging by the fact that the sun was fairly low in the sky, it'd been roughly 5 or 6 hours since Hoseok left, leaving him to him to his own devices. 

A frustrated groan left the brunette's lips as he threw his arms against the bed. He was half-tempted to exit and head to the common room, but in the back of his mind he continued to tell himself to avoid those people as much as possible because he wouldn't be there too much longer. 

His whole life, no one ever confronted him with homosexual assumptions, so he must have been doing something right before he came out- how hard would it be to convince the staff there too? 

Biting his lip, Jungkook stared at the bed for a few minutes debating internally before he made his decision and strode over to the door. 

The cold metal of the doorknob was a relieving contrast to his burning skin and he relaxed his shoulders to ease his own tense muscles. 

Did he have a fever still?

When he pulled open the door, the intense scent of the hospital filled his senses, causing him to scrunch his nose in distaste.

Had he noticed that before? Probably, but he couldn't quite remember. 

The lights in the hall were much brighter than the ones in the rooms- bright enough to make the teen squint. A few nurses and other staff members were scurrying around the linoleum, entering and exiting rooms and pushing carts around with heavy looking machines on them- same as when he'd seen them the last time he left the room. He still had no idea how these adults could work in a place like this without hating themselves or becoming suicidal- he'd only been there for a few days and he was already on the verge of banging his head on one of the metal doorknobs until he stopped breathing. 

Sucking his teeth, Jungkook stepped into the hall and began sluggishly walking towards the common room. His legs ached from lack of movement, but other than that, he decided that it felt good to be out of the cramped room.

As he rounded the corner, Jungkook picked up on the soft sound of crying coming from one of the public bathrooms that the building had to offer. The door was shut, but the sound was still clear enough to make the teen halt in his tracks. He stared at the metal before leaning in and pressing an ear to the center. 

Quiet curses were muttered by the person on the other side of the door, along with small hiccups in between the vulgar words that were spilling out so easily. Inhaling roughly, the brunette brought his fist up to the door and knocked a few times, stepping back so that he wouldn't be accused of being a creep. 

"Who is it?" Jimin- the pink haired kid. 

"It's Jungkook, is everything okay? "

The person behind the door went silent for a few moments before the doorknob turned, and the door was pushed open. Jimin had been crying, his eyes were red and puffy and his nose was still runny, cheeks crimson from all of the rubbing he'd clearly been doing. He brought his sleeve up to his face and haphazardly wiped at the various fluids that littered his delicate features; he remained silent,  causing Jungkook to take some initiative.

"What happened?" The pink dye in the shorter teens hair was faded revealing some of his natural dark color. The taller boy found it endearing. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2018 ⏰

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