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Hoseok had continued the community meeting easily, getting replies from every boy in the room until he flipped the page and paused; a small, hopeful smile forming on his lips as he slowly lifted his head and made brief eye contact with Min Yoongi.

Jungkook watched curiously, his eyes scanning the small, pale boy who had made himself quite comfortable in the corner of the room. His thin knees were drawn to his chest, his journal resting on them- hinting that he was in the middle of writing something. His hand fell to the floor with a soft thump, his thin fingers toying with the bendy pen in his grip. That's when their eyes met. Yoongi immediately looked down to the floor, and inhaled deeply, as if he anticipated what was coming.

"Ah," Hoseok paused, chuckling quietly before leaning back in his seat. "Your turn, Yoongi." He stated, his dark eyes darting back down to the clipboard that was resting on his thighs.

Jungkook watched the older boy the entire time- noting how he visibly tensed at his name being called and bit his lip nervously before he opened his mouth to speak, the words coming out somewhat hoarse. "Scale is a 9 and goal is to open up more." After his statement, the boy looked back down to his book, shutting out the rest of the room.

The teen's attention was snapped back over to Hoseok as he clicked his tongue and thanked Yoongi for speaking, an excited tint to his voice. "You seem to be making great progress." The ginger stated quietly before giving the clipboard in his lap a small smile. The man cleared his throat; smile faltering before he looked beside him at Jungkook, features soft and vulnerable. "Your turn, newbie." He joked quietly, tapping the pen he had in his hand on the wooden board.


The first half of the day flew by very quickly- or so it seemed at least. Many of the boys in the room were called out at random times to speak to their 'therapists'. Seokjin had come in a number of times as well, and each time he did, the boy that he would call always seemed to lighten up- like a huge weight was being lifted off their shoulders. Jungkook hadn't been surprised; after all, the older man had made quite a good first impression on even him.

The fourth time that Seokjin had entered the quiet room was when Jungkook snapped into reality- his eyes following the brunette's every move as he made his way to Yoongi, holding a small, folded piece of paper in his oddly shaped fingers. Jungkook instantly remembered how the small blonde had given the therapist a similar paper the day before, and couldn't help the curiosity that began making it's way into his veins, causing him to become antsy.

Seokjin stood after exchanging some brief words with the boy on the floor before his eyes slowly made their way to Jungkook, causing said boy to tense and dart his eyes to Yoongi, who looked away from him as soon as the teen's eyes met his own. The boy's brows furrowed before he looked back to the therapist who gave a quick nod in the direction of the door.

Taking the hint, Jungkook immediately stood and caught up with Seokjin's long strides, flinching at the loud sound the metal door made as it clicked shut.

"So, how has your first day been so far?" He paused a moment and flipped through some papers that were housed in a manila folder, Jungkook's name written in black marker on the tab at the top. "Have you guys had lunch yet?" Jungkook watched the slightly taller male bite his bottom lip in concentration as his eyes quickly scanned some words on the documents. The teen quickly realized that those 'documents' were the ones he had filled out the day before.

"Uh, no, not yet." He mumbled, tearing his eyes away from the folder and directing his gaze at the ground in front of him, tracing the small lines in the linoleum flooring that covered the hallway they were making their way down.

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