jin ; no one cares

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Why would he love someone like me?
A a trash that society hate..

Why would he love someone like me?
A person who have a big ugly birthmark on her face?

Standing in front the mirror, I slowly
lift my hand up to my face and trace my birthmark way too slowly feeling all the pain that drew on it..

Hell, I look like a piece of garbage and it is already a big humiliation to even stand in front of the mirror staring on my own reflection..

Born with a red big birthmark on my face was like a cursed..

The society would always point it out and laugh loudly as if I was a joke..
I hate them, I hate myself..

A tears start to stream down my face passing the birthmark and landed on the floor..

What did I do in my past life to receive this?

My shoulder bop up and down showing how hard I cried, my knees felt wobbly and finally I drop on the floor cupping my face with both palms..

I always alone since I have no friends nor siblings..I was the only child and it become worse after my parents died in car accidents leaving me by myself..

I felt weak..
I have no one to protect me anymore..How will I survive?

Waiting for the day to end was hell for me..

The society won't stop laughing on my face and bullied me, both physically and mentally..

How did I through that all? I cutted myself..

The feeling of blade cutting my skin apart wasn't hurt if compared to the pain that planted on my heart..

But all of that stopped, when I met him..

Kim Seokjin, was the only human that ever alive, who would talk to me without laughing on my face..
He have an almond eyes with a brown orbs that would attract any girls who talk or even walk passed him and I couldn't help but have an urge to kissed him when seeing his perfect cherry coloured lips..In short form, he was handsome..
Not only handsome, he was kind..
He was perfect, way to perfect that I'm afraid to talk nor look at him..

Just like other girls,I like─no, I love him..
I still remember the day he protect me from my bullied and ask me if I'm fine..He help me then patted on top of my head before walking away leaving me behind with a throbbed heart in a good way..

He start to talk with me very often and I can't help but fall deeper for him..How can I resist that gorgeous smile of him..Yet, it just one side love..

We hang up often and ended up as best friend and I've been more than happy even just in his friend-zone..

Being his best friend meaning,
Sharing your best and worse moment together, and I have been seeing more than that..

Him happy with another woman and him sad because another woman..Even it's hurt, but what can I do? I was just his friend..

Hell, I even remember Jin introducing me with his girlfriend and his-so-called lovely girlfriend laugh on my face because of my birthmark.. I ran away and Jin didn't even try to chase me up.. I locked myself in my room crying my eyes out..
I hate her, I hate me..

Here I am, alone my room,
broking down in front of the mirror..
How pathetic is that..

I tilt up my head to greet my own reflection..
Eyes swollen, nose's red and an ugly birthmark on my face..I felt disgust..

I'm ugly and,
No one loves me ,
No one cares about me ,
And so does Jin ,
So what was the point in living on earth anymore?

I pushed myself from the floor and walk toward my drawer pulling out a scissors..

I hold up the scissor up to my neck feeling the cold metal start to cutting my skin..
I look at the door with small hope that he be there like always but he's not.. I smile for the last time and,


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