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I've been here for quite a while - David and I started getting along again - the campers started liking me more and Gwen and I were starting to become really good friends.

You know how there's always the counselor in each camp that most campers absolutely love?

Well, that's pretty much me. I'm still quite hated by Max but that's just his flipping personality.

I looked at the mirror of the bathroom as I finished getting dressed. I heard the door crack open. David knocked as he covered his eyes and I chuckled. "You can look, dumbass."

He uncovered his eyes and looked at me awkwardly, he took my wrist and pulled me into the main hall - or cafeteria - how ever the fuck you want to call it.

I sighed and took the coffee container from Max as he started shouting on me to give him it back.

I poured myself the coffee and put it back on the table. I took a sip from my cup as I slid next to David in our table. "Why do people even enjoy coffee? It's too bitter," David started complaining as I sat down.

"You can add a lot of sugar to make it as sweet as you like, Davey," I told him and looked at Gwen which was just staring at us as if we were her OTP - maybe we were.

"So, I can just add all the sugar in the world and it would be very very sweet but still bitter?"

"I didn't imply tha-"

"And it would still not be as sweet as you," he cut me off and looked at me. He then realized what he had said and blushed from embarrassment, I took in what he said and blushed from slight affection.

I hit his arm and he yelped in pain - I didn't even hit him that hard. "Shut up, you-" I tried thinking of an insult and failed.

I could hear that theatre kid - Preston, was it? - and Gwen squeal a bit. I groaned a bit and stood up.

David stood up after me and looked at me but I was already out of the building. I was rushing towards the dock and clicked my tongue.

I sat on the end of the dock and sighed - little did smol David know, I had a slight crush on him since he came back with that major change of his.

"(Y/N)?" David called from somewhere behind me, I daren't look back, I stared at my feet as I swung them back and forth. "(Y/N)-" he sat next to me.

My face was slightly red and I looked up at him, "I wasn't trying to offend you- I was just- uh... complimenting you- yeah!" I rolled my eyes and looked at the lake.

The sun shined on the water and it's reflection was even brighter, I blinked and sighed. "I know you were trying to just do good but you should be careful, these campers will eventually do somethi-"

"I know." he mumbled under his breathe and stood up, "we should go-" he held out a hand for me and I held it, pulling myself up with some help from David and let go of it as we walked back into the yard.


Third Person

It was dark and the stars were shining bright - the campers were sent to bed and the counselors were discussing tomorrow's activities.

"How about we just let them choose what they want to do in a voting system?" (Y/N) suggested.

David nodded at the offer and Gwen didn't really give a shit - as long as she can watch some of her TV shows, she's cool with it.

(Y/N) took out her phone and scrolled through her music playlist before settling on listening to some (Favourite Band) songs.

She put in her earphones and hummed softly as she walked to her cabin, David by her side with a tiny smile.


David's POV

(pardon me on so many POV changes, you'll get why)

I smiled as she hummed softly to herself. I don't think she noticed I was staring at her until we entered the cabin.

She walked into the bathroom and I kept on smiling like a moron.

I liked her since we were kids - and when she turned on me I felt like dying.

I was depressed in so many levels - I got over her - I dated Bonquisha, got over her after beating the shit out of her new lover and I thought I got over (Y/N) too.

Guess not.

I sighed as I sat down on my bed, I wondered what'll happen if I stayed in that group of horrible friends.

I just wondered.

Jon would probably beat the shit out of me when he'll find out I liked her.

Or maybe not.

I don't know - I don't know how they were after I changed.

I miss Jasper.
Jasper was a good friend.
I miss the older days in Camp Campbell when I was younger.
It was happy.
And now? Now it's broken - the owner isn't around anymore - Gwen isn't really having the enjoyment in counselling here like I do.
It's all up to (Y/N).
Even my own living.

I felt a tear slip down my cheek and a comforting hug followed by.

I kicked out of my trance and saw (Y/N)'s (H/C) hair against my neck. I sighed and hugged her back.

"You're okay Davey?" She asked softly and I nodded.

"I was just thinking - that's all." I said before she could question more. She nodded and walked to her bed.

She sat down and layed, "stop staring, Jesus Christ-" she mumbled the last part and I looked away with a red tint on my cheeks.

"Yeah okay." I layed down and fell asleep.

"Goodnight, Davey" she whispered before I could no longer hear a thing.

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