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IDEK anymore.


I yelled.
I yelled into my pillow.

"Jeez you have a lot of stress in you." Nikki commented.

I kept yelling and when I finally sat up straight and away from the pillow, Nikki was laughing.

"Ugh, leave me alone, I'm just fucking tired." I mumbled and she looked away from me.

"(Y/N)!!!" I heard Preston yell from downstairs. "You're out of cookies!!!"

"What?!" I ran out of my room and into the kitchen downstairs. And as he said - there were no more cookies.

"Did you eat them all??" Nikki asked, looking at Preston with a disappointed face.


"I- DAVID!" (I needed a way to put him in. so. he's just gonna be your brother 👀)

"Yes?" he popped his head from the top of the staircase, then his whole figure.

"Did you eat all the cookies?!"

"No?" he said, it sounded more of a question but he sure sounded confused. "I would never eat your cookies!"

I grunted and walked upstairs just to see a small dog under my desk. Nikki walked into the room and her eyes widen. I looked at the dog and sighed.

"Nikki?" She ran to the dog and played with it. "Preston???" he finally showed up in my room and looked at Nikki and the dog. He shrugged. "DAVID???"

"WHAT?!" He sure was getting annoyed from us. "Oh."

He looked at the dog, "I found him, he didn't have a collar and there were no posts about him- so I thought I could-"

"But what if he has rabies?"

"He doesn't!" Nikki answered, being the animal expert.

David shrugged and walked back to his room, doing what ever he was doing.

"I'm so confused???" I picked up the dog, "Imma name you- Gwe- no dANIEL."

"Don't name him the same name as my boyfriend please!!!" David yelled from the other room.

"tOO LATE" I yelled back and heard him grunt.

I giggled and ran out of the room, Nikki and Preston behind me before hearing the doorbell ring.

I looked at Preston and Nikki in confusion and they both shrugged, even though Nikki had a smirk on her face.

I opened the door to see this kid I was looking at all day. "Hello?"

"Hi," he started, "Uh- Nikki told me to come here or some shit?"

Nikki stood behind me, "Hi Max! Come on in!"



I rolled my eyes and let him in. David came rushing downstairs at the scent of a new person. "Who's that?" he asked, a whiter figure coming behind him.

"Don't bug 'em," Daniel pulled David away. (okay so. tHeY wIlL not look the same and Daniel isn't going to be a fucking cultist >:( and my friend pretty much forced me into shipping it...)

"Thanks Dan," I mumbled.


"Oh yeah that'll be confusing if you're going to watch Da-" I put a hand on Nikki's mouth to stop her from talking.

"Okaaaay-" Max mumbled before rolling his eyes and looking at me. (I keep imagining Michael instead- halp)

"So, Nikki, how'd you get this person into here?" I whisperes to Nikki.

"I have my tricks. We also went to camp together."

"Wait. Wait. WAIT. I just realized our school has the same name as the name of the camp we went to and David works at."

"Oh yeah... Maybe because the same person owns both properties?"

"Campbell is a pretty popular last name though," Preston tries reasoning us up.

"Oh yeah. The principal looks nothing like the Camp Campbell owner."

"Can we please change the subject? I seriously hated that camp." Max mumbled and we did as he asked.

Him and Nikki catching up, and me and Preston talking about musicals.


I don't even know what the fuck I had written. If any of you are on Hamino and might be reading this and be my friend/follower.


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