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shit dude, it's time for my sweet bab Preston.


Your POV

I looked at the poster and read over it for the 100th time.

"School Play Audition
(btw, you might be called gay [boys])"

I chuckled and raised the pen, writing in my name and walking to Drama class - which I ironically had.

The bell rang right as our drama teacher came in the room. Her son behind her and another woman.

Another Drama teacher?

"Hello students, good morning." She smiled as she walked over to her deak with a few pieces of paper in her hands. "I'm going to call some names and you're going to be going with Preston and Ms. Malcolm over here to be told what you are going to do and why."

Max sighed and rolled his eyes, I chuckled at the boy and looked at Nikki - her eyes were lit up and she was hype about something.

"Nikki," the teacher called and Nikki quickened out of her seat and next to Preston, "Max, Neil," wait... Neil? Isn't that the kid who comes here every now and then because his parents want him to be homeschool but at the same time don't?

My thoughts died down as Neil stepped next to Max which was standing next to Nikki.

The teacher called other names and mine was called last - wonder why... that was 100% sarcasm. But why did Neil and/or Max signed up for this?

I ran a hand through my hair and sighed, I looked at the Drama teacher which was just there to keep an eye on us all and then moved my eyes to Preston.

He seemed very happy and hyper to do this. "Alright!" he started, "you all signed up for the play auditions didn't you?!" he continued.

We all nodded, some nodded only after hesitating.

He called each one of our names to check most of us were here.

and that was the deed.

"Alright! We can all start by picking a character from the list!" He gave us all a sheet of paper.

I looked at it just to wide my eyes at the roles, "We're remaking Hamilton?" (I wanted to say Be More Chill but realized a lot of you might not know it :( )

Preston moved his head to me and nodded, "I wanted to make an original script but I can't remake the amazing work of Lin!"

"Oh! I get it- I just don't think I would fit any of the ro-"

"Eliza." He cut me. I looked at him in confusion. "You'll be Eliza." he took a second look at me, "or maybe Seabury?" he raised an eyebrow.

I chuckled and nodded, "okay... Why Eliza or Seabury though?"

"I don't know- you have that- Eliza look. and Seabury because I'm playing Lee - since all these immatures are getting main roles!" He answered. I raised an eyebrow.

"Lee? Seabury? is it because of the joke ship of Leebury?"

"Mayyyyybe!" he said raising both of his eyebrows and turning away to help the others choose. I took a pen and ticked the box next to 'Eliza Hamilton' and 'Samuel Seabury' which were both written in Papyrus font and in caps.



Yes I made an Undertale joke
Leave me be. I just see so much Papyrus in Preston it's hhhhh.

Don't ever search "Camp Camp Max Sans"
You would want to end your life right there and then.

We must not crossover the show and game too much - please don't.

Camp Camp x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora