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A/N: 1. I'm yelling, thanks for 100+ reads, 2. I know I've made this story "-1-" beCAUSE I had the idea of making this story have other stories in it so y'all won't be nad at me. the sign "~" is David x Reader, "-" Max x Reader (in high school 👀) and "•" Preston x Reader because Preston is an amazing bab that needs our love and support - still in high school.


Thirdo Persono

"HELLO CAMPBELL HIGH!!!" The pricipal yelled to get the teenagers' attention.

Max looked at the stage boredly, putting his arm on the handle next to him, his hand as a stand and put his head down on it. "Ugh-" he choked out.

The principal started introducing the teachers for the freshmens and so on and so forth.

Most teachers were teachers for all grades - great. just. great.

Max rolled his eyes as they were finally dismissed and quickly stood up. He took his bag - more like snatched it - from his seat in the auditorium and rushed out of the room.

He ran his hand through his poofy hair and continued on towards his locker - this time, walking fast instead of running.

A girl with (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes was looking from across the hall at the freshmen in a blue oversized sweater.

"(Y/N)..." Nikki tried getting your attention, "(Y/N)?" she whisper-yelled and waved her hands infront of the (Y/N)'s face.

(Y/N) shook her head and looked at her friend, "yes Nikki?"

"You were staring at a boy again."

"Was I?" she looked to the side to see a guy looking back at her in confusion. "I was..."

"Ugh, let's go-" Nikki took a hold of (Y/N)'s hand and pulled her towards their next class.


Your POV

I looked over the class at the new kid. He seemed familiar - I don't know from where though.

I was sitting between Preston and Nikki - my two best friends.

Nikki and I became friends over camp, she managed to convince her mom to move here and they did. Yay!

Preston and I met in drama class and having his over dramatic self be funny for me and Nikki - we became friends. Double yay!

And then there was me! The slightly awkward - yet not so awkward girl which questions who the fuck she is every single day.

I sighed and shook my head as I continued to look at the black poofy haired guy.

Was he new? Or did I never notice him before? Is love at first site a fucking thing?

My head flopped onto the desk and I jumped up, Nikki giggled at my stupid action and Preston looking at Nikki with a "please don't laugh at my best friend, thank you" look.

"Are you ok (Y/N)?" Preston asked, his bubbly voice still as bubbly as always.

"Yeah I'm fine! Just had a tiny existational crisis," I answered, a small smile of pity on my face. Yes - I just fucking pitied myself.

This is where my life led me to. I chuckled and tried paying attention to class - but I couldn't. I just kept looking at this random guy.



wtf is my life.
it's this.
I'm not even going to check typos 👀

Camp Camp x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now