Chapter One

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"Hey, hey, hey Akira!-" The little boy said, this boy happened to be Akira's friend. His name is Kikitaru. "Oi, J, stop annoying me." Akira was always like that, we became friends in a weird way. It first started in kindergarten. She had these crayons that I wanted and she wouldn't give them to me, so I bothered her until I got it. Eventually, we got into a fight. Next we thing know, we were always getting into trouble with each other, we almost became timeout partners hehe.

Akira usually was calm about it, she didn't care. Her parents were just as chill about her as she is about herself. "Hey, Akira, are you going to do anything for your birthday this year?" Akira hasn't done anything for her birthday for the last two years, she had one when she was one, then three, then six, but after that, no more. We're eight now and not a thing about her has changed.

"How many times must I tell you? No I'm not. Birthdays are for losers who need attention for one day in their life." Akira told me that, and honestly, I felt a bit hurt. That meant that I'm a loser, and I'm not! "Hey! I'm not a loser!" I shouted back at her.

"Yea yea, whatever. Anyway, I wanted to go see something, come with me. Unless you're scared?" She told me this thinking I would back down, but she also knew that I wouldn't say no. "Hell no! Let's go then!" The reason people would normally say no to just walking around, especially at our age is because of the monsters that go around.

These monsters look like us humans when they camouflage, but once they find their target, they turn into their beast like look and feed on them. Over the years, we've found three kinds of monster looks. They all also have a certain amount of tails, the more tails, the more powerful the monster is. When a monster has five tails, it is considered a multi city level threat. When a monster has seven tails, it is considered a country threat. When the monster has all ten tails, it is a continental threat.

Now, the monster types that are known are the burūto, hayaidesu, and the kinkō. It's rare that a kinko type shows. Over time monsters have shown to evolve differently. Burūto types are so common, and they are usually one or two tailed.

There bodies take various forms depending on their actions. It is beneficial for them alone. So some might have bone mask, some might have an artificial changed face, and some just may have their regular face, however, all monsters have dark blue eyes with black pupils, you'll be able to see the red veins glow when these eyes show.

Two hours later, I meet Akira by her house and we walk on the sidewalk towards her destination. After ten minutes of just walking, I get tired and ask her if we're there yet. "No you idiot, what, are you tired or something?" I didn't want to say yea, but honestly I felt like we were just walking towards nothing. "Sort of..." She then shakes her head and says, "Idiot. Fine, let's take this way, I'm sure this might make the distance smaller." She pointed towards the dark and eerie alleyway on the right of us. There wasn't much there, just some garbage, a cat, and some hobo sleeping besides the garbage.

"Ehh..." I begin to second think the choice, as I smile awkwardly. "What are you? Scared?" Akira then smirked as she asked me that question. "N-No! It's not that, it's just- it's just..."

After that, Akira laughed as she saw that I didn't have a full answer. "Well! When you're not a scaredy cat, and you want to live for thrill, you know where to find me!" After that Akira ran off through the alleyway as I watch her go, I think to myself. "When am I going to get over my fear of the dark....? Agh! Screw it!" Once I said that, I heard a scream from the same direction that Akira ran towards. "Eh? Akira...? Akira!!" I stormed through the alleyway, and made a right as it continued and then I saw her laying on the floor in pain. "Akira!" I run up to her and kneel down as I look at her up and down to see any injuries. When I was finished, I realized it was her neck that got bit. "Hey...are you okay?" I asked her as I tried to help her up.

"Y-Yea...Agk!" Akira holds onto her neck as support. "I'm just a little bit in pain, that's all...something came and bit me, and then left." I was worried about her, and so I picked her up with arms, despite my age, I'm pretty damn strong. "Hold on Akira, I'll bring you home."

Once I brought her home, I put her safely in her bed.  "Okay, Akira, well I'll see you later, feel better." Once I turned around she gripped a bit of my shirt. "D-Don't...leave.."

Akira didn't want to say it, but deep down, she was scared. An eight year old just got bit by something she didn't know of, so it's expected to feel fear of being alone after such an event.

"O-Oh okay...I won't Akira, I promise, no matter what. I'll never ever leave you alone." I prove my word with my pinky as a sign of trust. She smiles and clips her pinky with mine and we both genuinely smile at each other.

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