Chapter Three

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The next morning, Akira begins her day by waking up next to her cat. Her cat licks her arm as Akira then wakes up with her whole room tore up. "Mm...hey...kitty move.." Akira gets up slowly as she heads downstairs to the bathroom, brushes her teeth and makes breakfast afterwards. "My head hurts..." She holds her head as she looks into the mirror, she realizes that the bite mark is gone. "Woah...the worked!" She was very happy about it. She got dressed and ran towards Kikitaru's place. It was eleven in the morning, she banged on his door, luckily his parents weren't home, or else they would've had a fit. Kikitaru came down and opened the door, you could see the sleepy look in his eyes.

"Ahhh...Akira, what do you want?" He asks her while being half asleep. "Notice anything different about me?!" She really got hyper when she asked that question. "Uh, like what exactly? Hey listen, I need to get some shut eye, so I'll see you later..." He then just shuts the door on her. "Ugh! Fine, I'll see you later....jerk." Akira then walks around the neighborhood as she made a thought to herself. "Hm, I want to go to the city. I need some outfits."

After taking the train from her place, she heads into Yamaka Town. The south branch of the city, Karakura. Akira was just there to go inside stores, and buy more clothes since her body has been changing. "Hmm...this red top looks good...but I also like this black one." She ended up getting them both, and along with the tops, she got shorts and pants. Once Akira was done with her shopping, she got this sudden urge to eat again, but this was weird. She was staring a girl, and in her eyes, it appeared to be a hot dog. " dog..." Akira's teeth started becoming sharper as the corner ones came out like fangs. The little girl screamed as Akira then snapped out of it, everyone in the area looked at Akira, as she was shocked herself. "E-Eh...?! I-I'm sorry, I was just..." Everyone was whispering around her, 'Is she a monster..?' 'Someone call MPO...' 'Oh my god...' So basically everyone panicked and Akira fled from the city and hid in a secure place.

"W-What was that about...? I...I was hungry...but I wanted to eat a child...?" Akira was confused, as she started feeling weird and all of a sudden, her eyes changed color, it was the monster eyes that she had on. "No...this can't be...I can't be...Am I...?"

Next thing Akira knows, she hears a voice as a man is presented in front of her. "A monster?" He says. Akira looks slowly up at him, as she is scared, but he says, "Don't worry, young one, I'm not here to hurt you, I'm only here to help you. You see, you and I are one in the same. We're both monsters." The man says as he shows his one tail and the monster eyes. His nails were a bit longer than usual, but not that long at all. "W-Who are you...and why do you think I'm just going to trust what you say..?" Akira starts backing up against the wall. "You don't have to trust me, you don't even have to like me, but, the moment you entered my world you belonged to me, Akira." He smirks as he holds his chin and chuckles a bit while looking at Akira. "How do you know my name...? Look, just tell me what's going on with me.."

"Come with me, and I'll tell you." The man asked. "By the way, it would be greatly appreciated for you to answer my question, who are you?" He then nods his head as his eyes were closed, he reopens them and tells her his name. "My name is Pawā. Who I am isn't important right now, what you need to know is that you and I, are going to be working together.

"I don't think I'm going to like this..." While all of this is happening, Kikitaru was looking for Akira.

"Akiraaaa! Where are you?!" Akira heard the sound of Kikitaru around, somehow he came around, and Akira panicked. "Ah, I see, you have a friend Akira? Won't it be hard to have a friend who wants to be a MPO?" He laughs. "How long have you been around!!?" She asks madly, ready to fight him. "I've been around you all your life." She became puzzled after that. She wanted to ask what he meant, but for the moment, it didn't matter. "Whatever..." Akira gets up, and starts to walk to Kikitaru. "Hey, take this. When you feel like eating another human, come by this place. I have something for you." Pawā gives Akira his card, and it says,

X Club

With the address to the place and everything, Akira takes the card and puts it in her pocket, once she looks up from putting the card in her pocket, she was going to ask Pawā a question, but he was gone already. "Huh, weird." Her look returned to normal and without her knowing, as she went to Kikitaru.

"She has grown well, Pawā, I can't wait to see what she's made of." A lady that has a snake head says as she hisses afterwards. "Indeed, she has indeed." They both disappear out of thin air with invisible speed.

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