Chapter Six

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Five years later

Japan is still battling for survival. The monsters are growing more and more as the days past by. Today starts the new trainees for the MPOs. At the top of the class, is none other than, Kikitaru Hana. Hana became Lead Officer after joining the force which took him three years to do. His hairstyle had changed, his hair is now parted with the sides and back cut. He doesn't have facial hair, more or less, he has grown a bit, he was pretty much the same height as Akira, if not smaller by an inch. But now, he's probably five inches taller now.

He has obviously gained more muscle than last time, and ultimately became even smarter. His intelligence has gone through the roof now, he finally became a man now that he's a MPO. He's living his dream and-

Well, he still hasn't heard from Akira. She hasn't called, texted, or even sent him a letter. He tried contacting her, but nothing works. At one point, her cell phone stopped working, the number never reaches. All Kikitaru does is hope that she's alright somewhere.

So, moving on, tonight, the Monster Police Force is out to take down the popular Four tailed Bakemono, named Devora. It is said that the SS class monster could be a female, as she just wears a mask to cover her face, she wears a trench coat that covers her whole body as well as her legs for the most part, and there ten holes for her, as she has been rumored to have all ten, but no conformation is there, so far she is known to use four tails. The holes are at the ends of her coat. She has white hair, and skin complexion is a pale white.

It is night time, approximately 10:16 PM. Devora was just standing on top of a building, she watches all the humans pass by. Walking into stores, going into their homes, and crossing the crossroads. You can see the lights are really bright, streetlights, car lights, and the stores. People crossing the crossroads to their destined places. "Oi, Dev, ya ready? The Ops are going to be onto us soon." Shirone asked her as if she wasn't. Shirone is a monster, the burūto type. Brute force, he's incredibly strong, but sometimes he lacks the intelligence to complete certain tasks, all they think that will help them is through brute force. All brawn, but not a lot of brain. Devora sighs as she turns around and looks down as she walks. With small quiet tone, she says yes to him. "Yes, let's go." She then leaps off the roof as she heads towards their destination where the other monsters are. Shirone follows afterwards. As they head onto other buildings, they see a monster being taken out by a squad of five. The monster is a hayaidesu type, if you don't remember, they are the speed type. The speed type, extremely fast at everything they do, they can process things at a pace way past the normal ones. Definitely smarter than a brute type, but they lack the strength of a brute one. However, multiple hits can begin to wear down and damage you.

But it would seem, this monster is having a little trouble as the officers begin locking down on the monster. The monster screams in pain as the specialized chains change temperature that burn the body of the monsters. These chains are called, Heruzuchēn, literally meaning hellschain. In fact, allow me to explain how the MPOs take on the monsters. The MPOs have developed numerous weapons to battle monsters. They use the chains, some divisions use guns, the bullets are a kind of design to help pierce into bodies of the monsters, they also have liquid that can poison them. However, some monsters may be immune to it. They are trying to create a sword type of weapon that will cut the monsters, but as of right now, nothing is shown to be working.

"ARGHHH!!!" The monster grunted as the chains burn its body more and more. Devora jumped down and with her tails, she instantly cut the chains as Shirone just used brute force to rip the rest off the monster. Devora looks at the squad. "I-It's her! It's her!!! It's the SS class monster! Devora!!!" One of the squad members shouted out. "All members abort!!! I repeat all members abort now!"

Devora is a SS class monster, she has been terrorizing Japan, just after a few months that Akira and Kikitaru left for college. She's a new one, but she's become quite popular. She is classified as a Kinkō type. The only divisions allowed to face her is Division 1 and 2.

Division 6 was sent out to take down the speed type monster, but ended up being killed by Devora as she lashes her tails on them, ripping their eyeballs and insides apart. She then eats them, leaving so little for Shirone. "It's not like I didn't want you know..." Shirone says to Devora. "Let's go." She says as she leaps up to the buildings and continues heading to the spot where the other monsters are heading.

As the two monsters leave, Division 2 gets there, and there he was.

Monster Police Division 2
Rank 3 Officer
Kikitaru Hana

"Damn, they got away. Another casualty on the grounds..." Kikitaru says as he grips his gun tightly. "We'll get them next time, Officer Hana. In this place, it's survival of the fittest."

Monster Police Division 2 Leader
Nagito Mada

"Yes, sir." Kikitaru nods his head and squad one of the division moves out.

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