Chapter Four

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Akira met up with Kikitaru, she smiled when seeing him, and Kikitaru says to her, "Yo! Where have you been!? I've been looking for you everywhere." Kikitaru was actually worried when he said that. "What are you? My father? I was just walking around..." Akira says quietly as she shrugged her shoulders and looked to the side, she's indicating that she's nervous, but Kikitaru doesn't pick up on it.

"Oh, well, whatever, hey! I'm hungry, you want to go grab a burger or something?" He points with his thumb over his shoulder towards Takasaki Town, the east branch of the city, Karakura. Akira just showed a wide smile as she was quite hungry as well, she wanted to eat a lot. "Yes!" Akira replies with a lot of cheer.

So, the two of them head over to Takasaki Town, and go to the best burger shop in the town, Soma's Burgers. They both made their orders, but Akira triples her order because she was really hungry. "Eh...?" He looked at Akira, as he scratched his head wondering how she had such an appetite. "What?" Akira blankly asks Kikitaru. "N-Nothing..." Kikitaru shakes his head as he walks to a table for those two. "Ahh, okay, so let's eat!" Kikitaru says while they both were sitting down, and just as he said that, Akira was already devouring her food. "W-Woah.." Kikitaru was just amazed at how much Akira could eat. He was shook! He ate his food little by little. But by the time he got this last sandwich, Akira was just finishing her soda after eating all of her food. "Phew....~ I'm stuffed..." She looked at Kikitaru, as if she wanted more food, but from his plate. " going to eat that?" Kikitaru shook his head, as he let Akira eat his food, and in less than ten seconds, all of the food was gone. "I...don't...think...I..can eat...any...more..." Akira says before plotting her face on the table. Kikitaru sighed as he waited for her to wake up, but when this happens, a man steps up to Kikitaru, very random as he looks at Kikitaru's face.

Kikitaru looked up and he smiled, quite shocked to see who it was. "Zane! It's you!" Zane smiled and waved at Kikitaru.

Zane is Kikitaru's old friend from middle school. They were both on the basketball team, that's how they met. Zane pulled a chair to the side of the table so he's able to view both Akira and Kikitaru. "I thought you left Japan man?" Zane, at the end of middle school, told Kikitaru that his family would be leaving to go to the United States of America, since Zane's father got an internship for some business. It's paying a lot of money, so he thought it was the best decision. So, it's a bit weird seeing him now. "Something happened, and now my parents don't live with me anymore, in fact, I live on my own now." He smirks. "I'm in Hisho High, i thought I'd see you there, since you were so good at the PG position." Hishokai High School is the best school in Japan for basketball. "Haha! Me?! Man, I wish. You were definitely the best for SG man, our duo was the best." Kikitaru chuckled but then looked down with sort of a serious face. "But I didn't go to Hisho for a reason, I wanted to go there myself, but  the reason I didn't go was because Akira got into Humeiko, and Akira and I have been friends for so long, ever since kindergarten, so we've been going to the same schools as well, I wanted to continue that trend. That's all." Zane nods as he smiles as well, he then pokes Kikitaru's shoulder. "So, she your girlfriend yet?" I blushed, but not because I felt something, but because I got nervous and shocked at the question. "N-No!"

Truthfully, Kikitaru doesn't like Akira like that, it's just that he looks at her like a really close sister. Kikitaru and Akira never had siblings, so it's kind of like they were made for each other to be siblings. "Hehe, alrighty then. Hey, uh, I'm going to head out. I'll see you later, alright man?" He ask Kikitaru as he lands his hand on the back of his shoulder while looking at him as he heads towards the exit. "Yeah man! You still have the same number?" Kikitaru replies. "Oh, yeah yeah, of course." Kikitaru gives him a thumbs up as Zane nodded after that and left the store. Then Akira woke up finally. "Tadaimaaa...." She says slowly as she rises up slowly as well. "Morning sleepyhead." That's Kikitaru says to her, ironic to the time of the night, as it was night time. It was about 7:49 PM.

After throwing out the trash and all, Kikitaru walked Akira home again, and when she went inside, he went home.

When Kikitaru got home, he called Akira after realizing something. "Akira! I just realized!" She had a very grouchy tone as she said, "What...?"

"Your hair was messy!"

Kikitaru, you're really oblivious. "You're an idiot, J." She then hangs up the phone and goes to sleep.

"Sheesh, what's her problem? Anyway.." Kikitaru then laid on his bed and looked at the ceiling. "I don't remember Zane having white hair..." At the bottom of his bed, you can see a picture sticking out, it's Zane back in middle school, it was the photo of the basketball team. Zane had black spiky hair back then.

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