Chapter Five

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   December 25, 2019. The last day of school. As well as the last day for high school for Kikitaru and Akira.

    "Yo, Akira." I see her come into class as I smile at her. It was the last class of the day. She looked at me, and waved at me. She said, "So, this is it. I guess." She plotted her hands on the desk as she looked at the front. "Well, I guess this is it, honestly, I thought school was going to be seriously hard. Though, it'll only get harder. College definitely won't be easy at all." I say.

    "You don't say, heh. You know, I've been wondering about your dream, Kikitaru." Akira says as she looks out the window. A paper airplane was just soaring in the air. Kikitaru tilted his head, and said hm. She responded by asking the question, "What if you found out one of your friends were a monster, would you kill them?" The question left some silence between them. Kikitaru was wondering as to why she may have asked, but he thought that it didn't matter, so he just answered. "Well, if that friend of mine is a monster, they would've told me a long time ago. If they really considered me a friend. But I guess I won't know the answer until it truly comes to that situation, you know?"


Akira gets up, and once she does, the school bell rings. The both of them head out of the school. Once they get to the gates. They both look at each other and smile.

Unfortunately, they both couldn't get into the same college. Their road ends here. "I'm really going to miss you, J." Kikitaru was just trying hold back on tears and said the same. "Akira, we'll still see each other though? Right? I mean we don't liv-" Akira hugged him tight and said, "J, I'm leaving my place, I'm going to be living with someone else. They'll be taking care of me. It's pretty far from you live. So I won't be around." Kikitaru pushed away from the hug, and was immediately angered by what Akira said. "Hey! When do you get off just leaving!? Huh?! First we don't get into same school, now you're leaving me!? I don't have much friends here if you're like, you are a sister to me...why go...? Live with who...? Just...why?"

The atmosphere felt so gloomy as Akira started showing tears as well, but she wiped them away. "J, I promise, we'll see each other in the future. Heh, I promise." She holds out her pinky as the sign of trust between them. Kikitaru was hesitant, very hesitant actually, but he succumbed. He clipped his pinky with hers and shook. "Now, head off into the MPA. (Monster Police Academy) There are a lot of people who have high expectations of you J. A lot. Myself included.

"You know...I have a good feeling, we'll reunite and have the best times ever. I can feel it, i look forward to it Akira."

Kikitaru nods his head and walks off towards his home spot. As for Akira, she took out the card, and looked at it. She sighs deeply, "This is only to protect you, J." She walks the other way.

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