Chapter 8.

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Hiro and I went straight to a coffee shop after class ended and after I greeted Kana a happy birthday.

We were meeting about the school festival next week and a cafè is assigned to us. The other class officers are busy with their organizations performing in the event so I just told them that Hiro and I will finalize the plans and present them to the class tomorrow.

"I vote for girls dressing up as butlers and the boys dressing up as maids." I told him and pointed at a suggestion our classmate made. "This kind of thing is usual so let's just make it memorable for our class."

"I can't say no if you suggest it, right?" Hiro groaned.

"Yes. Majority of our class are girls, I'm already guessing they'll also vote for it." I grinned and looked at my watch. It's already 7 pm and I felt my blood boil. Rikuo transformed?

"Fine." Hiro muttered.

"And if ever we need manpower for lifting stuff, I can call someone in our house. They'll be willing to help." I told him. "Let's just finalize things that we need to use and then let's call it a day."

We listed everything we needed and as soon as I finished putting the last of my things in my bag, someone suddenly stopped beside me. I looked up and saw Shoei glaring at Hiro. I saw my classmate gulp.

"How dare you date young master Rik--" Shoei growled but I suddenly stood up and gripped his hand to make him stop.

"Shoei. We're not on a date." I told him and then looked at Hiro, forcing myself to laugh. "Hiro, this is Shoei. Shoei, this is Hiro. He's my classmate, the Vice-President of our class and we're planning about our school event. Calm. Down."

"Is that so?" Shoei asked, still looking at Hiro with criticizing eyes. It's pretty much hard receiving Shoei's glares when it's the first time you meet him given that he is pretty much a giant so it's really intimidating.

"Yes." I assured him and then looked at Hiro. "Hiro, I'm very sorry. I'm going to go first. Take care going home." I waved and pulled Shoei with me.

I decided to visit Shoei's house tonight because he said Hihi just arrived from his trip. I forgot that the coffee shop is near Hihi's house so the possibility of being seen by Hihi-sama or Shoei is high which really happened.

"Shoei, what was that?" I scolded him, crossing my hands against my chest. "You scared him."

"Sorry. I was just surprised seeing you with a human." Shoei muttered making me sigh. I forgot he is used to just seeing me with Kubinashi and the others, never with my human friends like Zen.

"Just don't do that again, okay? It had also been a while though, Shoei-kun." I grinned as we arrived at their house. I ran as soon as I saw Hihi's back on me.

"Master Hihiiiiiiii!" I yelled and hugged him as soon as he turned to me. He laughed and patted my back. Shoei frowned when Hihi told him to get what he got for me from his latest trip.

"Excited to see me, Master?" Hihi smirked after he pulled up his mask so I can look at his face.

"Guess." I grinned.

"I am assuming you did." Hihi replied and turned his back to me for a second to get his watering can. I took that chance to transform to my night version.

Hihi froze as soon as he turned.

"Yo, Hihi-sama." I smirked. I looked at Shoei who also froze as soon as his eyes landed to me.

The watering can fell from Hihi's hands and the resounding clang of the metal snapped the two out of their thoughts.

"Is my night form that mesmerizing?" I asked.

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